
Date de publication

Documents Baum, Andrew 1 résultats

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- xix, 446 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 90 P974 2001

Cancer - Aspect social ; Gestion du stress ; Ajustement (Psychologie) ; Cancer - Aspect psychologique

In "Psychosocial Interventions for Cancer" contributors analyze state-of-the-art research, theory and intervention to prevent cancer, detect it in more treatable stages, and enhance the quality of life among cancer patients and their families. In this shot across the bow of this feared and all-too-common disease, contributors explore conceptual and applied currents in health psychology, public health and behavioural medicine and review major research programmes on patient interventions. Authors also describe current thought on the mechanisms through which psychosocial interventions change behaviours or enhance adjustment. "Psychosocial Interventions for Cancer" vividly witnesses to the power of psychological interventions to enhance treatment and help cancer patients cope with cancer. Health psychologists, public health practitioners, medical doctors, oncologists and anyone else in the field of cancer care and research should value this book as a rich source of guidance.

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