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Documents Fonagy, Peter 9 résultats

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- x, 661 p.
Cote : WM 420 R845w 2005

Psychothérapie ; Psychothérapie - Évaluation ; Psychiatrie - Thérapie différentielle

This acclaimed work provides a systematic, comprehensive, and balanced evaluation of the current status of all major psychotherapeutic approaches. With a primary focus on adults, detailed evidence is presented for the efficacy of widely used interventions for frequently encountered mental disorders and specific populations. The book also explains the concepts that underpin psychotherapy research, examines methodological challenges in translating research into practice, and considers the impact on outcome of factors common to all therapies, such as therapist and patient characteristics.

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- 237 p.
Cote : WM 190.5.B5 B328m.F 2015
Traduction de: Mentalization-based treatment for borderline personality disorder : a practical guide

État-limite (Psychiatrie) ; État-limite (Psychiatrie) - Traitement ; Psychothérapie

Une présentation de la mentalisation, technique médicale destinée au soin des personnes souffrant d'un trouble de la personnalité borderline. Cette méthode repose sur la stimulation de l'empathie. Les auteurs, après avoir rappelé les divers traitements, expliquent avec de nombreux exemples cliniques leur approche thérapeutique permettant de palier la dérégulation émotionnelle des patients.

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- xvi, 639 p.
Cote : WS 350.2 F673w 2015

Psychothérapie - Évaluation ; Adolescents - Psychothérapie ; Enfants - Psychothérapie

The standard reference in the field, this acclaimed work synthesizes findings from hundreds of carefully selected studies of mental health treatments for children and adolescents. Chapters on frequently encountered clinical problems systematically review the available data, identify gaps in what is known, and spell out recommendations for evidence-based practice. The authors draw on extensive clinical experience as well as research expertise. Showcasing the most effective psychosocial and pharmacological interventions for young patients, they also address challenges in translating research into real-world clinical practice.

New to This Edition
*Incorporates over a decade of research advances and evolving models of evidence-based care.
*New chapter topic: child maltreatment.
*Separate chapters on self-injurious behavior, eating disorders, and substance use disorders (previously covered in a single chapter on self-harming disorders).
*Expanded chapters on depression, anxiety, and conduct disorder.
*Includes reviews of the burgeoning range of manualized psychosocial "treatment packages" for children.

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- 271 p.
Cote : BF 575 F673t.F 2004
Trad. de: Attachment theory and psychoanalysis

Attachement ; Attachement chez l'enfant ; Relation d'objet (Psychanalyse) ; Psychanalyse

En France, théorie de l'attachment a suscité de grandes résistances chez les psychanalystes qui considéraient l'observation directe du nourrisson comme une menace pour l'orthodoxie. Il est grand temps d'enterrer la hache de guerre et d'envisager, au grand profit de la clinique, la synergie de l'enfant reconstruit après coup dans la cure et de l'enfant étudié en temps réel. Dans cette direction prometteuse, Peter Fonagy est un pionnier. Psychanalyste confirmé et fin connaisseur de l'oeuvre de John Bowlby et de ses héritiers, il s'est engagé dans des recherches clniques qui réconcilient enfin l'intrapsychique et l'interpersonnel. Dans cet ouvrage, il effectue une revue critique très complète des diverses options en présence dans ce débat polémique. Les éléments de convergences, de divergences et d'enrichissement mutuel entre théorie de l'attachement et psychanalyse sont examinés dans une perspective novatrice utileau clinicien et au chercheur. D'une grande clarté didactique, ce livre de Peter Fonagy, le premier traduit en français, donne au lecteur expert ou en formation les clefs permettant d'accéder à la compréhension d'un véritable croisement épistémologique en psychanalyse.

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- xvi, 256 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 420.5.P5 L554b 2011

Psychothérapie brève ; Psychothérapie dynamique

Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) is a brief psychodynamic psychotherapy developed for the treatment of mood disorders. It is being rolled out as part of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) initiative as the psychodynamic model for the treatment of depression.

This book is a user-friendly, practical guide for the implementation of a brief psychodynamic intervention in routine clinical practice as well as in research protocols. It sets out clearly the theoretical framework, as well as the rationale and strategies for applying DIT with patients presenting with mood disorders (depression and anxiety). Throughout, it is illustrated with detailed examples that help the reader to implement the approach in their practice.

The book will be required reading to support the national IAPT training initiative, as well as providing a resource for mental health professionals specialising in psychodynamic psychotherapy and wishing to work within a limited time frame.

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- xxiii, 593 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 420 B328h 2012

Psychothérapie - Guides, manuels, etc. ; Prise de conscience ; Perception sociale ; Psychothérapie - Méthodologie

Mentalizing is the fundamental human capacity to read one s own and others mental states such as thoughts and feelings. The editors of Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice have authored two previous books aimed at establishing mentalizing as a developmental and clinical concept. Here they further explore mentalizing as a fundamental psychological process and seek to extend its use across a wide range of disorders, particularly in the treatment of patients with personality disorders and in preventive intervention in childhood. The first part of the book helps the reader understand the impact of a mentalizing perspective on the treatment of patients in different psychotherapy contexts. The second part focuses on the patient, identifying effective techniques for a variety of illnesses, including depression, trauma, borderline personality disorder, eating disorders, and drug addiction. Throughout, the contributors persuasively argue that the promotion of mind-mindedness in both patient and clinician is critical to any therapy. Across modalities, Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice is essential reading for mental health clinicians.

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- xx, 485 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 190 C612p 2010

Troubles de la personnalité - Traitement ; Psychothérapie dynamique

This well-documented and articulate manual gathers in one place the psychodynamic psychotherapy thinking and research on each of the Axis II personality disorders. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders: A Clinical Handbook includes the work of 22 contributing writers in addition to the three primary authors, John F. Clarkin, Ph.D., Peter Fonagy, Ph.D., and Glen O. Gabbard, M.D. Each contributor has extensive clinical experience, and some also have research experience, with the assessment and treatment of specific personality disorders. The focus of the book is the psychodynamic conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of the personality disorders as currently described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The 16 chapters are divided into sections that address the definition of personality pathology, approaches to treatment, and research for future directions. The authors conclude that to the surprise of many new research and reviews indicate that psychodynamic treatments are effective for personality disorders, and their impact is as great as that of cognitive-behavioral treatments.

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- xv, 188 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 190 B328m 2006

État-limite (Psychiatrie) ; État-limite (Psychiatrie) - Traitement

Mentalization-based treatment for borderline personality disorder outlines clinically proven treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder, contains illustrative clinical examples, and explains how to treat borderline patients by helping them develop a more robust mentalizing capacity within the context of an attachment relationship, whilst addressing how to practise mentalizing treatment in day patient and out-patient settings.

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- xix, 403 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 420 A427m 2008

Psychothérapie ; Guérison par l'esprit ; Perception de soi ; Prise de conscience ; Psychothérapie - Méthodologie ; Psychanalyse ; Perception sociale

The book includes a straightforward explanation clinicians can use with patients, "What is Mentalizing and Why Do It?" -- and also demonstrates the ways in which clinicians are already doing it. Clinicians of all persuasions can benefit from the extensive knowledge now available to hone further their attention to this vital therapeutic process.

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