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Documents Psychothérapie dynamique 19 résultats

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- ix, 211 p.
Cote : WD 210 C313c 2017

Obésité - Aspect psychologique ; Hyperphagie ; Psychothérapie dynamique ; Psychothérapie éclectique

Les causes de l'obésité sont extrêmement complexes, et les sciences biologiques ne peuvent apporter qu'une partie des explications et des solutions. Les sciences humaines (anthropologie, psychanalyse) doivent contribuer à expliquer la progression inexorable de l'obésité dans le monde, éclairer la situation particulière des sujets en surpoids, et participer à mettre en oeuvre des approches thérapeutiques efficaces à long terme. Ce livre propose une réflexion clinique et étiopathogénique sur l'hyperphagie, qui est un trouble alimentaire jouant un rôle majeur dans l'obésité. Le modèle de prise en charge pluridisciplinaire et intégratif développé dans cet ouvrage recourt à des approches comportementales, psychodynamiques, psychocorporelles et à la méditation en pleine conscience. Ces thérapies peuvent aussi être associées, au cas par cas, à des traitements pharmacologiques, des hospitalisations ou des interventions de chirurgie bariatrique. Le texte est illustré de nombreuses vignettes cliniques et témoignages de patients.

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- 1 ressource en ligne (236 p.)

Dépression - Traitement ; Troubles de la personnalité - Traitement ; Psychothérapie dynamique

Despite advances in both psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic interventions, treating depression can be a struggle with many patients. This new edition of Psychodynamic Treatment of Depression retains its predecessor's unique psychotherapeutic approach to the dynamics observed in patients with depressive disorders and offers the insight born of the authors' extensive clinical experience to sharpen and enhance the reader's skills in treating this disorder. Thoroughly updated and DSM-5 compatible, the book is intended for use by students, residents, and clinicians trained in the practice of psychotherapy and in the diagnosis of depression. Core psychodynamic formulations of depression are explored, including narcissistic vulnerability, conflicted anger, idealization and devaluation, and particular modes of defending against feelings and conflicts, and vivid case vignettes based on the authors' clinical work illustrate common dynamic constellations and techniques for engaging patients in depression-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy. The book's clear presentation of psychodynamic theories and their clinical applications promotes understanding for mental health professionals in diverse roles and practice settings. Psychodynamic Treatment of Depression offers current, concise, and comprehensive counsel for clinicians and trainees who seek to understand psychotherapeutic dynamics and hone their treatment skills.

Adresse web : Accéder au texte intégral

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- xiv, 639 p.
Cote : WM 400 G112p 2014

Psychiatrie biologique ; Psychothérapie dynamique

This text expresses the basic principles of psychodynamic psychiatry and four fundamental theoretical frameworks derived from psychoanalytic theory: ego psychology, object relations theory, self psychology and attachment theory.

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- xiv, 465 p.
Cote : WM 430 R972p 2014

Psychothérapie de groupe ; Psychothérapie dynamique

Regarded as the definitive practitioner reference and text, this accessible work addresses how to set up therapy groups and make them work. A wealth of clinical material illustrates the components of effective group therapy and the mechanisms and processes of change. Practical topics discussed include patient selection and preparation, leadership issues, communication of affect in groups, dealing with "difficult" patients, time-limited groups, and facilitating successful terminations. A chapter-length case example with commentary from each author brings an entire group session to life and explores ways to handle common dilemmas.

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- xxx, 373 p. : iil.
Cote : WS 340 D352co 2015

Psychothérapie dynamique ; Enfants - Psychothérapie ; Adolescents - Psychothérapie ; Relations personnel médical-patient

Contemporary psychodynamic theory profoundly impacts our understanding of the development of psychopathology in children and adolescents. This book creates new concepts derived from contemporary psychodynamic theory that necessitate a revision to the principles underlying our understanding of and approach to young patients in psychotherapy. Moreover, this book reviews recent contributions from contemporary two-person relational psychodynamic theory and makes use of detailed case examples to bring to life this theory's practical applications in child and adolescent psychotherapy. Psychotherapists and students of psychotherapy will find this book a valuable source of information on contemporary psychodynamic theory and a useful resource for introducing a contemporary style into their practice, co-constructing with the patient a narrative to achieve the desired goals.

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- xvi, 256 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 420.5.P5 L554b 2011

Psychothérapie brève ; Psychothérapie dynamique

Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) is a brief psychodynamic psychotherapy developed for the treatment of mood disorders. It is being rolled out as part of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) initiative as the psychodynamic model for the treatment of depression.

This book is a user-friendly, practical guide for the implementation of a brief psychodynamic intervention in routine clinical practice as well as in research protocols. It sets out clearly the theoretical framework, as well as the rationale and strategies for applying DIT with patients presenting with mood disorders (depression and anxiety). Throughout, it is illustrated with detailed examples that help the reader to implement the approach in their practice.

The book will be required reading to support the national IAPT training initiative, as well as providing a resource for mental health professionals specialising in psychodynamic psychotherapy and wishing to work within a limited time frame.

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- x, 223 p. : ill. + 1 DVD
Cote : WM 460.6 L857 2010

Psychothérapie dynamique ; Relations psychothérapeutiques

At the time Dr. Glen O. Gabbard's first edition of Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapycame out in 2004, the Psychiatry Residency Review Committee (RRC) mandated that all psychiatric residents must become competent in five different psychotherapies, including psychodynamic psychotherapy. Just a few years later, the RRC reduced the number of mandated psychotherapies from five to three, with psychodynamic psychotherapy being one of the triad needed in training. Also during that time, much rigorous research appeared in the pages of major psychiatric and psychological journals further confirming the efficacy and value of psychodynamic psychotherapy. Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Basic Text, Second Edition, is focused on the key concepts, assessment, indications, formulations, therapist interventions, goals of therapy, and the mechanisms of therapeutic action all mental health professionals need in their daily clinical experience. In this manual, Dr. Gabbard expands on the application of basic theory and techniques in actual clinical practice. Therapeutic topics are brought to life on a companion DVD that gives students and residents a visual reference to the text through video vignettes of a senior clinician at work. As useful to educators as it is to students, Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy serves as a guide to understanding the thinking behind the therapist's actions in a wide variety of situations.

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- xiii, 379 p.
Cote : WM 420 C112p 2011

Psychothérapie dynamique ; Psychiothérapie - Méthodologie ; Psychanalyse

This book offers a practical, step-by-step guide to the technique of psychodynamic psychotherapy, with instruction on listening, reflecting, and intervening. It will systematically take the reader from evaluation to termination using straightforward language and carefully annotated examples. Written by experienced educators and based on a tried and tested syllabus, this book provides clinically relevant and accessible aspects of theories of treatment processes. The workbook style exercises in this book allow readers to practice what they learn in each section and more “actively” learn as they read the book.

This book will teach you:

• About psychodynamic psychotherapy and some of the ways it is hypothesized to work
• How to evaluate patients for psychodynamic psychotherapy, including assessment of ego function and defenses
• The essentials for beginning the treatment, including fostering the therapeutic alliance, setting the frame, and setting goals
• A systematic way for listening to patients, reflecting on what you've heard, and making choices about how and what to say
• How to apply the Listen/Reflect/Intervene method to the essential elements of psychodynamic technique
• How these techniques are used to address problems with self-esteem, relationships with others, characteristic ways of adapting, and other ego functions
• Ways in which technique shifts over time

This book presents complex concepts in a clear way that will be approachable for all readers. It is an invaluable guide for psychiatry residents, psychology students, and social work students, but also offers practicing clinicians in these areas a new way to think about psychodynamic psychotherapy. The practical approach and guided exercises make this an exceptional tool for psychotherapy educators teaching all levels of learners.

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Cote : WM 171 F828e DVD 2013
Conférence du 29 octobre 2013
Lectures suggérées : 1. Harvard review of psychiatry 2013 may-june;21(3):107-37 The current state of the empirical evidence for psychoanalysis : a meta-analytic approach de Maat, S.-- 2. American journal of psychiatry 2013 sep 1;170(9):1041-50 The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychodynamic therapy in the outpatient treatment of major depression : a randomized clinical trial Driessen, E.

Dépression - Traitement ; Psychothérapie analytique ; Psychothérapie dynamique

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- xviii, 209 p.
Cote : WM 420.5.P5 D469i 2010

Psychothérapie brève ; Psychothérapie dynamique

L'intervention psychodynamique brève (IPB) est considérée comme une approche psychanalytique des situations de crise en 4 séances. Ses objectifs sont à la fois de conduire une investigation psychodynamique et psychiatrique, de traiter la crise ainsi que d'évaluer de manière active l'opportunité d'un traitement ultérieur. Après un survol historique des traitements psychanalytiques brefs, les auteurs abordent les enjeux spécifiques, psychiatriques et psychanalytiques de cette approche. Ils décrivent ensuite de manière pratique le cadre, les objectifs, ainsi que les indications et contre-indications de l'IPB. La manière de construire une hypothèse psychodynamique est détaillée : mise en évidence et conditions d'interprétation du conflit intrapsychique, de l'organisation de personnalité et du transfert initial. Des extraits de séances et un cas clinique complet illustrent les principaux concepts présentés. Enfin, les nombreuses recherches conduites sur les effets de l'IPB et sur le processus psychodynamique sont résumées en fin de chaque chapitre.

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