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Documents American Psychiatric Publishing 132 résultats

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- xviii, 298 p.
Cote : WT 150 T364c 2014

Gérontopsychiatrie ; Vieillissement - Aspect psychologique ; Maladies mentales ; Personnes âgées

Clinical Manual of Geriatric Psychiatry provides the most current information on psychiatric diagnoses seen in older patients in a concise format. Each chapter is broken into easily understandable, increasingly focused sections, and contains an extensive array of tables, references, and suggested readings. Chapters include clinically relevant information and evidence-based treatments for a wide range of topics and disorders:

• The psychiatric interview of older adults, including history, family assessment, mental status examination, rating scales and standardized interviews, and effective communication techniques.
• Psychopharmacology, including information on antidepressants, psychostimulants, antipsychotic medications, mood stabilizers, anxiolytics and sedative-hypnotics, and cognitive enhancers.
• Diagnosis and treatment of delirium, dementia, mood disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, and substance use disorders, including coverage of definition, epidemiology, clinical features, risk factors, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, prevention and management, and treatment guidelines.
• Individual and group psychotherapy strategies, including individual and group-based cognitive-behavioral therapies, interpersonal psychotherapies, relaxation training, cognitive stimulation therapy, and behavioral therapies.
• Clinical psychiatry in the nursing home, with a focus on cognitive disorders and behavioral disturbances, depression, treatment progress in this setting, and relevant federal regulations.

Written by experts in geriatric psychiatry, this clinical manual provides a much-needed “field guide” for the care of nursing home patients and older adults. Busy clinicians, as well as researchers, residents, fellows, clinical psychologists, and social workers, will find this compact volume to be of the utmost value, as will anyone seeking to update their knowledge of geriatric psychiatry.

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- xii, 218 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 270 A224 2014

Polytoxicomanie ; Comportement compulsif

The Addiction Casebook presents 12 patients with DSM-5 addiction diagnoses—plus one experiencing problematic Internet use—and illustrates practical and successful strategies for diagnosing and treating these patients. The book's cases are analogous to those that clinicians commonly encounter in their everyday practice and effectively demonstrate the intersection of addiction with other psychiatric diagnoses. The experience and clinical wisdom of three generations of addiction specialists are distilled into a single volume that includes the most salient ideas and treatment suggestions for clinicians.
This informative, practical volume strikes a colloquial, and sometimes humorous, tone. General psychiatrists and psychiatric residents seeking to gain expertise in and an understanding of addiction will find it a delight to read, as will a diverse audience of family practitioners, internists, pediatricians, medical students, allied professionals, and anyone interested in sharpening her or his clinical skills.

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- xlii, 702 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 350 J54d 2009
Autre titre: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

Enfants - Psychiatrie ; Maladies mentales ; Diagnostics différentiels

Imbued with a shared passion for children s mental health, the DSM-IV-TR® Casebook and Treatment Guide for Child Mental Health reflects its editors and contributors conviction that through the meticulous presentation and careful study of cases, diagnosis and treatment can be vastly improved. The book is designed to be both an indispensable reference and a teaching tool for trainees, trainers, and clinicians of child and adolescent psychiatry, including social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, and nurse clinicians. The heart of the book is its cases, which are organized into four parts by increasing complexity. Each case is accompanied by three expert commentaries, simulating the experience of meeting with a panel of supervisors or depending on the reader s training level consultants who are among the best in the field. At a time when twenty percent of children and adolescents in the United States have diagnosable mental health problems, yet 75 to 80 percent of those so afflicted do not receive appropriate psychiatric care, the DSM-IV-TR® Casebook and Treatment Guide for Child Mental Health constitutes a necessary and long overdue resource.

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- xiv, 300 p. : ill. + 1 DVD
Cote : WM 425.5.C6 W951L 2006
Le DVD qui accompagne le livre comprend des vidéos illustrant différents exemples de thérapie cognitive : 1. Assessing symptoms of anxiety -- 2. Modifying automatic thoughts -- 3. Agenda setting -- 4. Psychoeducation on the CBT model -- 5. Psychoeducation on automatic thoughts -- 6. A mood shift -- 7. Guided discovery -- 8. Imagery -- 9. Generating rational alternatives -- 10. Examining the evidence -- 11. Cognitive Rehearsal -- 12. Activity scheduling -- 13. Graded task assignment -- 14. Breathing retraining -- 15. Exposure therapy - Constructing a hierarchy -- 16. In vivo exposure therapy -- 17. The downward arrow technique -- 18. Examining the evidence for schemas -- 19. Rehearsing a modified schema[-]
Le DVD qui accompagne le livre comprend des vidéos illustrant différents exemples de thérapie cognitive : 1. Assessing symptoms of anxiety -- 2. Modifying automatic thoughts -- 3. Agenda setting -- 4. Psychoeducation on the CBT model -- 5. Psychoeducation on automatic thoughts -- 6. A mood shift -- 7. Guided discovery -- 8. Imagery -- 9. Generating rational alternatives -- 10. Examining the evidence -- 11. Cognitive Rehearsal -- 12. Activity ...[+]

Thérapie cognitive

Through lavish use of video, tables and charts, learning exercises, troubleshooting examples, and practical tips for getting the most from treatment interventions, Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guide is designed to help both students and practitioners master the core methods of this proven form of psychotherapy. This easy-to-use guidebook offers full explanations of the most effective behavioral methods; a program designed for achieving competency that covers both basic methods for patients with depression and anxiety and advanced techniques for patients with bipolar disorder, psychoses, and eating and personality disorders; an integrated cognitive-behavioral/biological/interpersonal model for treatment; and instructions on fully integrating CBT with psychopharmacological intervention, as well as formulation and treatment methods endorsed by the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. Written by seasoned cognitive-behavior therapists who also demonstrate CBT methods on the accompanying DVD, Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guide is indisputably the essential resource for students of multiple disciplines and practitioners who wish to learn the invaluable techniques of CBT.

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- xix, 960 p.
Cote : WM 270 A512 2015

Toxicomanie - Traitement ; Polytoxicomanie - Traitement

No other text available today offers what The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment can: completely updated treatment information on a broad range of substance use disorders that is consistent with the new DSM-5 classification and thus reflective of how psychiatry is practiced today. Designed for researchers and mental health professionals ranging from trainee to licensed practitioner, the book is also appropriate for a diverse array of rehabilitation settings, from inpatient to community-based treatment.

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- xiv, 639 p.
Cote : WM 400 G112p 2014

Psychiatrie biologique ; Psychothérapie dynamique

This text expresses the basic principles of psychodynamic psychiatry and four fundamental theoretical frameworks derived from psychoanalytic theory: ego psychology, object relations theory, self psychology and attachment theory.

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- xii, 168 p.
Cote : WM 190 G975h 2014

État-limite (Psychiatrie)

The book is structured for maximum learning, convenience, and utility, with an impressive array of features.
Section I provides background on BPD, including the myths that sometimes discourage clinicians from treating these patients and that hamper the effective treatment of the disorder.
Section II, the GPM Manual, provides a condensed and clear description of the most essential and specific GPM interventions that clinicians can learn from and use in everyday practice.
Section III, the GPM Workbook, offers case vignettes which reference chapters from the manual. Each vignette has a number of “decision points where alternative interventions are proposed and discussed.
To further facilitate learning, a set of nine interactions found in a series of online video demonstrations. Here, readers can see in vivo illustrations of the GPM model in practice.
Finally, a set of appendices provides critical information, such as a comparison of GPM with other evidence-based treatments of BPD, scaling risk and response strategies, and family guidelines.
Designed to be a basic case management text for all hospital, outpatient clinic, or office-based psychiatrists or mental health professionals who assume primary responsibility for the treatment of those with BPD, the Handbook of Good Psychiatric Management for Borderline Personality Disorder constitutes a breakthrough in the treatment of these often misunderstood patients.

Adresse web : Critique du livre tiré du "American Journal of Psychiatry"
Critique du livre tiré du "American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists"

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- xiv, 213 p.
Cote : WS 350.2 H483 2015

Enfants - Psychiatrie ; Intervention en situation de crise (Psychiatrie) ; Urgences en psychiatrie

First Prize in Psychiatry at the 2015 British Medical Association Medical Book Awards! Helping Kids in Crisis: Managing Psychiatric Emergencies in Children and Adolescents is a practical, easy-to-use guide for clinicians working with child and adolescent psychiatric emergencies across a range of settings-from emergency rooms to schools to community pediatric or mental health clinics. More and more children struggle with psychiatric symptoms, while access to treatment remains limited, so pediatricians, social workers, school psychologists, guidance counselors, and school nurses often find themselves treating kids in crisis without available child psychiatric consultation. These crises are high-risk, high- liability situations that are often dangerous and intimidating. This book provides clinical case examples with concrete tools for assessment, de-escalation, and diagnosis, to help clinicians quickly stabilize the crisis and determine when a trip to the emergency room is necessary. Pragmatic and accessible, Helping Kids in Crisis: Managing Psychiatric Emergencies in Children and Adolescents provides the up-to-date tools and clinical guidance that practitioners in hospital and community-based settings need to intervene effectively, relieve suffering, and keep their young patients safe.

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- xxviii, 532 p.
Cote : WM 402 L434m 2013

Maladies mentales - Chimiothérapie ; Psychotropes ; Infirmières - Responsabilité professionnelle

As the need for mental health services has grown, the number of psychiatrists has declined, leaving a gap that has lately been filled, in part, by Psychiatric Mental Health Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (P.M.H.-A.P.R.N.s). The Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Nurses is designed to serve as both an academic textbook and a reference book for these nurses as well as mental health practitioners, general practitioners, and consumers. Each chapter is devoted to a specific category of mental disorders, guiding the reader through the pertinent symptoms while offering a holistic perspective unique to nursing. The book is further enriched by snapshots of prescribing for various treatment populations, pharmacogenomic information to guide personalization of medication therapies, and rating scales to quantify the impact of psychopharmacological interventions on the individual's treatment. The first and only psychopharmacology text specifically aimed at educating P.M.H.-A.P.R.N.s, Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Nurses merges the fundamentals of medication treatment in common psychiatric disorders with the therapeutic approach of the nursing field in general to create a comprehensive, thoughtful, and exceedingly useful resource.

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Cote : WM 203.5 H249a 2013

Autisme ; Troubles envahissants du développement ; Système nerveux - Maladies ; Troubles du développement

The accelerating advancement in research in neurodevelopmental disorders -- including autism spectrum disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning disorders, and more -- has enormous implications for clinical practice. Autism and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders provides clinicians with up-to-date information on the impact these advances have on the standard of care in the range of disorders commonly encountered by both primary and subspecialist physicians. The authors, affiliated with the UC-Davis MIND Institute, explain the latest findings from the biological, behavioral, and clinical sciences in ways that are accessible to clinicians and helpful to patients and their families.

Specific features include: • A uniform chapter structure that makes it easy for the reader to locate material and make comparisons between and among disorders. Each chapter addresses signs and symptoms (including onset and developmental course); epidemiology and etiology (including known genetic and environmental contributors, biological mechanisms and relevant animal models); diagnostic criteria; differential diagnosis and comorbidities; and evidence-based interventions.• The inclusion, where possible, of current draft DSM-5 diagnoses, as well as DSM-IV.• Practical focus on psychological/behavioral and medical issues, as well as other supports and resources for patients, their families, and the community.• Emphasis on current, ongoing research that holds promise for future clinical care.• Identification of new research directions and needs. • A comprehensive chapter devoted to the effects each of the neurodevelopmental disorders has on language and social communication.

Replete with tables, illustrative figures, key points, and suggestions for further reading, Autism and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders helps clinicians meet the challenge of providing the most up-to-date and effective care for their patients.

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