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Documents Jossey-Bass 5 résultats

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- xiv, 704 p. : ill.
Cote : HV 6545 J17h 1998

Suicide ; Suicide - Prévention

This vital resource--edited by Harvard Medical School's Douglas Jacobs, a nationally recognized expert on suicide and depression--is the definitive guide for helping mental health professionals determine the risk for suicide and appropriate interventions for suicidal or at-risk patients. Created primarily for mental health clinicians (with several chapters directed toward primary care physicians), the book is a hands-on guide for those who are often the first line of defense for assessing if a patient or client is suicidal.

Comprehensive in scope, the book offers a wealth of information about such useful topics as inpatient and outpatient issues, psychopharmacology, and advice about working with special populations. Most importantly, the book's contributors detail effective techniques for intervention and offer a model of suicide assessment that focuses on predisposing conditions, potentiating conditions, and specific suicide inquiries. As a special feature, the book also includes a helpful section on contracts—agreements made with the patient not to harm themselves--and useful facts about the subsequent liability issues. In addition, there is a compelling analysis of the controversial issues surrounding assisted suicide as well as an honest personal account of suicidality from a professional who has experienced it for herself.

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- xvi, 184 p.
Cote : WS 463 R485f 2000

Adolescents - Santé mentale ; Adolescents - Psychothérapie

The First Session with Teenagers is a practical, accessible guide that reveals how mental health care professionals can conduct a successful initial interview with reluctant and uncooperative adolescent clients. Written by Neil G. Ribner, a recognized expert in the field of family therapy and the treatment of teenagers, this important resource shows how to use the first therapeutic session to establish trust, engage the adolescent, and determine an effective plan of action that sets the tone for the entire course of treatment. In clear, jargon-free language, the author offers clinicians at all levels of expertise (from the novice to the seasoned professional) a step-by-step process for working with adolescents during the pivotal first session.

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- xxviii, 610 p. : ill
Cote : WM 450 B725t 2010

Ludothérapie ; Thérapie familiale

Theraplay a pioneering application of attachment theory to clinical work—helps parents learn and practice how to provide the playful engagement, empathic responsiveness, and clear guidance that lead to secure attachment and lifelong mental health in their children. This third edition of the ground-breaking book Theraplay shows how to use play to engage children in interactions that lead to competence, self-regulation, self-esteem, and trust. Theraplay's relationship-based approach is uniquely designed to help families facing today's busy and often chaotic lifestyle challenges form joyful, loving relationships.

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- xxv, 224 p.
Cote : WM 430 P965 1997

Psychothérapie de groupe

The Promise of Group Therapy shows how to put in place the key organizational elements that are needed to create and sustain a successful group therapy program one that offers ongoing training and supervision of clinicians, educates patients about the effectiveness of group therapy, and provides a continuing flow of referrals.

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