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Documents Royal College of Psychiatrists 5 résultats

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- x, 165 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 350.8 H848a 2022

Personnalité sociopathologique

It remains something of a mystery why some individuals behave in persistently malevolent and destructive ways towards their fellows, causing untold harm both to themselves and their victims. This book argues that to understand the roots of antisocial behaviour, one first has to understand what motivates the majority of people to behave prosocially - to think, feel and act in non-malevolent ways. All people are motivated to seek emotion goals - to feel thrilled and excited, to feel safe from the threats of others, to feel a sense of justice, and to feel gratified. However some individuals seek these emotion goals in antisocial ways due to an excess of emotions such as distrust, boredom, greed, vengeance and insecurity. The authors outline interpersonal and neurobiological correlates of antisocial personality, its developmental antecedents, its frequency and pattern across different societies and cultures, and different approaches to its treatment and rehabilitation.

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- xxii, 394 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 350 H912c 2014

Adolescents - Psychiatrie ; Enfants - Psychiatrie

However much policy material is produced, the real function of most child psychiatrists is to assess and treat mental disorders in childhood and adolescence. This is a comprehensive update on the field that will inform the clinical practice of all child and adolescent mental health professionals. The authors bring the medical perspective to bear on psychopathology and demonstrate that our understanding of childhood psychiatric disorders, their origins and their treatments are improving. They write with a particular focus on four contemporary themes - continuity into adult life, the integration of biological and social aetiology, the influence of neuroscience, and the increasing use of research and evidence - and take into account recent changes in DSM-5. Some chapters have been specially commissioned for this book, while previous versions of the others have been published in the journal Advances in Psychiatric Treatment and have now been fully revised and updated in line with the four themes.

-Topics include autism spectrum disorders, behavioural and affective disorders, pharmacology and psychological therapies, fabrication and induction of illness, and gender dysphoria
-New chapters include disorders in 0- to 4-year-olds, Tourette syndrome and the clinically significant topic of anxiety
-All the topics covered are central to the work of practising child and adolescent mental health professionals, and many will also be relevant to paediatricians, psychologists, social workers, and trainees in all these fields.

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- xvi, 272 p.
Cote : WM 412 W145e 2013
Autre titre : The electroconvulsive therapy handbook

Électrochoc - Guides, manuels, etc.

This book presents the latest clinical guidelines on the prescription and practical administration of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). It clarifies the place of ECT in contemporary practice and reviews the evidence for its efficacy. The ECT Handbook is an essential reference manual for all psychiatrists, for anaesthetists and nurses who work in ECT clinics, for everyone professionally involved in caring for patients for whom ECT may be recommended, and for second-opinion appointed doctors working for the Care Quality Commission. The book has been ubstantially revised to take account of new research, and covers issues of capacity and consent. The third edition has new chapters on the mode of action of ECT, cognitive adverse effects, dental effects, other brain stimulation techniques and patient and carer perspectives, and new evidence is presented of the benefits and risks of unilateral versus bilateral electrode placement.

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- ix, 141 p.
Cote : WM 49 O98m 2009

Psychiatrie ; Littérature ; Maladies mentales dans la littérature

What can psychiatry learn from literature? For psychiatrists, literary texts can be valuable tools for furthering our understanding of patients and their conditions. This book explores the fruitful relationships between the written word and central aspects of psychiatric practice. It includes newly commissioned chapters plus articles originally published in the journal Advances in Psychiatric Treatment that have been reworked and updated. The contributors examine such topics as: why doctors should read fiction and the place of literature in medical education; the varied genres of autobiography, fiction, poetry and letters; and a range of topics, including addictions, ageing and dementia, intellectual disability and autism. The authors explore the description and representation of mental states, the lived experience of distress, the character of psychiatry as a system and the institutional practices of psychiatry. Although written by psychiatrists primarily for psychiatrists, this collection offers a fascinating and accessible insight into mental illness through the pages of novels, poetry and autobiographies to be found in any bookshop.

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- xii, 138 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 425.5.C6 T992t 2013

Thérapie cognitive ; Angoisse - Traitement

This straightforward book explains how to deliver cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) for health anxiety in ordinary practice. Health anxiety is very common but it is often undetected, especially in medical settings where people are constantly looking for evidence of physical disease. The problem is that many people with this condition are more concerned with further tests and investigations to exclude physical illness than with addressing their own worries over health. The introduction of psychological treatment has to be handled sensitively if it is going to be successful. This book shows how it can be done. All clinicians - from nurses working in general practice, to consultant physicians - will recognise the scenarios Dr Tyrer uses to illustrate her practical approach to alleviating the distress felt by so many patients. All clinicians will value the time they can save by tackling their patients' health anxiety. This will be useful for liaison psychiatrists and, to some extent, for all healthcare professionals - especially general practitioners and nurses in primary care.

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