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Documents W.B. Saunders 10 résultats

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- xvi, 816 p. : ill.
Cote : WY 160 S931p 2013

Soins infirmiers en psychiatrie

Using the latest clinical research and diagnoses, Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing, 10th Edition provides a holistic, biopsychosocial approach to psychiatric nursing care. It follows the popular Stuart stress-adaptation framework and includes comprehensive coverage to simplify important nursing and medical concepts, promote quality and safety in care, and address psychobiology and psychopharmacology topics integral to today's psychiatry. New to this edition is a chapter on psychiatric care of military personnel, plus the latest on health care reform, prescription abuse, and obesity issues. Written by psychiatric nursing expert Gail W. Stuart, this market-leading text makes it easy to apply classroom theory to clinical practice.

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- xvi, 732 p. : ill.
Cote : WY 20.5 G883p 2013

Soins infirmiers - Recherche ; Soins infirmiers - Méthodologie ; Soins infirmiers factuels

Learn how to properly evaluate and use existing research data and how to conduct your own original research. This authoritative text gives provides a comprehensive foundation for appraisal, synthesis, and generation of research evidence for clinical nursing practice. This new edition also features enhanced coverage of the research methods most applicable to evidence-based practice (outcomes research, intervention research, and translational research), along with a significant increase in the coverage of qualitative research methodologies.

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- xviii, 974 p. : ill.
Cote : WY 154 T777 2009

Soins infirmiers en situation d'urgence ; Lésions et blessures - Soins infirmiers

Using the unique cycles of trauma framework, the 4th edition of this classic and highly acclaimed resource is thoroughly updated to bring you comprehensive coverage of cutting-edge research findings and current issues, trends, and controversies in trauma nursing. Detailed information guides you through all phases of care – from preventive care and the time of injury to the resuscitative, operative, critical, intermediate, and rehabilitative stages. Timely discussions on emerging topics such as mass casualty and rural trauma/telemedicine keep you up to date with the latest developments in the field. This practical, evidence-based reference is the most complete resource available for both novice and experienced trauma nurses working in a variety of care settings.

• Comprehensive coverage includes practical, clinically relevant trauma information for nurses at all levels of knowledge and experience working in a variety of settings.
• Evidence-based content ensures that you are using the latest and most reliable information available to provide state-of-the-art care for trauma patients.
• A user-friendly format, logical organization, and helpful tables and illustrations help you find information quickly and clarify key concepts and procedures.
• Detailed information guides you through all phases of care – from preventive care and the time of injury to the resuscitative, operative, critical, intermediate, and rehabilitative stages.
• Special population's coverage prepares you to meet the unique needs of pregnant, pediatric, and elderly patients, as well as bariatric patients, burn victims, patients with substance abuse issues, and organ and tissue donors.
• A section on Clinical Management Concepts gives you a solid understanding of key issues affecting all patients regardless of their injury, including mechanism of injury, traumatic shock, patient/family psychosocial responses to trauma, pain management, wound healing, and nutrition.
• A new Mass Casualty chapter prepares you to act quickly and confidently in the event of a disaster, with guidelines for initial response and sustained response, lessons learned from recent disasters, government involvement, and hazmat, bioterrorism, and nuclear-radiological preparedness.
• A new chapter on Rural Trauma/Telemedicine focuses on the unique nature of rural trauma care and offers strategies to help you improve healthcare delivery in this challenging environment.
• A new Trauma in the Bariatric Patient chapter provides the specialized information you need to meet the challenges and needs of this growing patient population.

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- xvii, 907 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 300 T355 2004

Soins intensifs en neurologie ; Système nerveux central - Maladies ; Soins préopératoires

More than 40 leading authorities present a comprehensive, clear approach to the care of neurological disease and injury-from the emergency room and ICU through the operating room and post-surgical period. They discuss everything from general issues-such as cardiac care, fluids and electrolytes, nutrition, and monitoring-to specific conditions and complications including elevated intracranial pressure, seizures, and altered mental states. Surgical chapters review problem issues from the surgeon's point of view, providing the ultimate practitioner's perspective for learning and observation.

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- 987, [34] p.
Cote : WY 160 V289f 2002

Soins infirmiers en psychiatrie

The new edition of this popular text offers a clear, straightforward way to understand the often intimidating subject of psychiatric nursing. Its practical, clinical perspective and user-friendly writing style engage the reader in a learning process that both informs and enlightens. Clinical chapters progress consistently and logically from theory to application. Specific psychobiological disorders are organized from moderate to severe along the mental health continuum. The nursing process is the strong, visible framework throughout.

• Nursing Care Plans in clinical chapters derive from the corresponding Case Studies in those chapters. Nursing process format
• Vignettes with a personal touch are brief, descriptive characterizations of clients with specific psychiatric disorders. Sprinkled liberally throughout to illustrate and enhance the text discussion
• Nurse, Client, and Family Resources lists, located at the end of each chapter, are a wonderful source of information for client education. All have been revised and updated and provide a wide assortment of associations and Internet sites
• New chapter on "Care for the Dying and for Those Who Grieve" provides end of-life care psychiatric nursing interventions for those clients
• Rehabilitation in the community is highlighted in the revised chapter on severe mental illness
• New unit organization of chapters emphasizes the clinical perspective of the book, as does the new subtitle. Also facilitates use by programs that want to integrate psych nursing throughout the nursing curriculum
• Research Findings boxes, located in most clinical chapters, give students a basic awareness of the latest results of scientific studies on psychiatric topics (e.g., new therapies) and introduces them to scientific methodology. Abstract format in easy-to-understand language
• Assessment Guidelines boxes at the end of each assessment section in the nursing process part of clinical chapters provide summary points for client assessment

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- xx, 563 p. : ill.
Cote : WE 544 T784 2001

Rhumatisme - Traitement ; Arthrite - Traitement

Thoroughly revised and updated, this New Edition contains brand new information on diagnosis as well as a full range of management options in adults and children.

Includes new chapters on rheumatoid arthritis:

* 19 new chapters on the management of rheumatic conditions
* discussions of rheumatic conditions associated with pregnancy
* updated drug information
* new color illustrations
* and much more!

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- viii, 603 p. : ill.
Cote : WG 300 A774 2000


A comprehensive clinical resource that describes how to recognize and treat cardiac arrhythmias. Each chapter clearly presents discussion of a specific arrhythmia with consideration of incidence, age and sex, genetics, clinical setting, history and physical examination, electrocardiography, laboratory studies, hemodynamic effects, pathology, clinical electrophysiology, treatment and prognosis. Completely updated and revised to reflect the latest information, this clearly written text is designed for a broad range of health care workers.
• New or significantly revised coverage includes atrioventricular block and right ventricular infarction
• circadian patterns of paroxysmal tachyarrhythmias
• clinical and molecular genetics of the long QT syndrome
• frequency of clots in the left atria of patients with atrial flutter
• intracardiac and transesophageal echotechniques for guiding ablation of tachyarrhythmias
• intraarterial cardioversion of atrial fibrillation
• and much more!
Previously a multi-authored book, this 2nd Edition is written almost exclusively by John A. Kastor, MDresulting in a more uniform and user-friendly presentation than ever.
• Each clinical chapter uses a consistent format to examine a specific arrhythmia, discussing its incidence
• genetic factors
• clinical setting
• history and physical examination
• electrocardi
• laboratory studies
• hemodynamic effects
• pathology
• clinical electrophysiology
• treatment
• and prognosis.
Discussions of incidence address predisposition with regard to age and gender, race and ethnicity, and socioeconomic influences.
• Content and references reflect all relevant work in the field for the past 30 years.

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- x, 670 p.
Cote : WY 106 S851c 2000

Soins infirmiers en santé communautaire - Canada

Community Nursing: Promoting Canadian's Health provides a comprehensive overview of community nursing in Canada. With contributions from 44 experts in the field, this book provides comprehensive coverage of the history, theoretical premises, public policy, current practice, research, and administrative issues related to community nursing in Canada.

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- xx, p. 4353-4944 : ill.
Cote : WE 300 R434d 2002 V.5

Os - Maladies - Diagnostic ; Imagerie pour le diagnostic ; Articulations - Maladies - Diagnostic ; Os - Radiographie

The definitive, encyclopedic source on musculoskeletal radiology is back ... thoroughly updated to incorporate all of the latest knowledge, technology, and techniques! Together with more than 35 other international experts, Donald Resnick, M.D. -- one of the world's foremost authorities on this subject -- comprehensively covers every relevant imaging modality as well as every possible disease state that is manifested in the bones and joints of children and adults. This new edition delivers a completely rewritten chapter on internal derangements of joints * a brand-new chapter on spinal interventional procedures * greatly expanded material on MR imaging and on ultrasound of joints * more than 2,000 completely new illustrations * and a new, streamlined organization that reduces the total number of volumes from six to five, making reference easier.

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- xx, p. 3017-4352 : ill.
Cote : WE 300 R434d 2002 V.4

Os - Maladies - Diagnostic ; Imagerie pour le diagnostic ; Articulations - Maladies - Diagnostic ; Os - Radiographie

The definitive, encyclopedic source on musculoskeletal radiology is back ... thoroughly updated to incorporate all of the latest knowledge, technology, and techniques! Together with more than 35 other international experts, Donald Resnick, M.D. -- one of the world's foremost authorities on this subject -- comprehensively covers every relevant imaging modality as well as every possible disease state that is manifested in the bones and joints of children and adults. This new edition delivers a completely rewritten chapter on internal derangements of joints * a brand-new chapter on spinal interventional procedures * greatly expanded material on MR imaging and on ultrasound of joints * more than 2,000 completely new illustrations * and a new, streamlined organization that reduces the total number of volumes from six to five, making reference easier.

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