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Documents Adaptation sociale 7 résultats

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Cote : BF 723 P222s.A KIT 2007
Trad. de : Sociabilus : un jeu sur les habiletés sociales

Habiletés sociales ; Aptitude - Tests ; Socialisation ; Adaptation sociale

Sociabilus est un programme d'entraînement aux habiletés sociales présenté sous forme de jeu de société qui s'adresse à tous les jeunes âgés de huit ans et plus. Simple et facile à jouer, Sociabilus est également adapté aux jeunes ayant une déficience intellectuelle ou un trouble du spectre de l'autisme.

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- viii, 535 p.
Cote : WS 350 V837p 2000 V.2

Enfants - Psychopathologie ; Adolescents - Psychopathologie ; Problèmes sociaux ; Adaptation sociale ; Enfants - Psychothérapie ; Adolescents - Psychothérapie

Cet ouvrage vise deux objectifs: cerner les facteurs de risque et de protection associés à une variété de problèmes d'adaptation chez les jeunes et, surtout, décrire les programmes de prévention disponibles en insistant sur ceux qui se sont révélés efficaces. Plusieurs éléments d'ordre théorique et méthodologique sont abordés au passage. Enfin, certains enjeux sociopolitiques sont débattus. L'ouvrage s'adresse aux étudiants, chercheurs et praticiens qui veulent faire le point sur les connaissances actuelles en matière de prévention auprès des jeunes. Ce deuxième tome traite des problèmes externalisés tels que l'échec scolaire, l'abandon prématuré des études, l'hyperactivité, la violence, le trouble des conduites, la délinquance, la consommation abusive ou précoce de psychotropes, le jeu pathologique, la violence dans les relations amoureuses, les grossesses précoces et les maladies transmissibles sexuellement.

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Cote : BF 723 P222s KIT 2007

Habiletés sociales ; Aptitude - Tests ; Socialisation ; Adaptation sociale

Sociabilus est un programme d'entraînement aux habiletés sociales présenté sous forme de jeu de société qui s'adresse à tous les jeunes âgés de huit ans et plus. Simple et facile à jouer, Sociabilus est également adapté aux jeunes ayant une déficience intellectuelle ou un trouble du spectre de l'autisme.

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- x, 364 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 140 D799d 2010

Psychiatrie communautaire ; Services communautaires de santé mentale ; Personnes handicapées ; Adaptation sociale ; Troubles du développement

With appropriate planning, care, and support, persons who have developmental disabilities can live full and healthy lives. Developmental Disabilities from Childhood to Adulthood gives psychiatrists the tools and information they need to help their patients do just that. This practical guide addresses the special needs of developmentally disabled individuals throughout the life span, from childhood to midlife to old age.

The contributors to the volume, all with extensive expertise in working with persons with developmental disabilities, cover such topics as education; community integration; psychopathology and behavior; ethical, legal, and social issues; and systems management and advocacy. They discuss in detail the specific needs of special populations, including persons who have autism spectrum disorders, mental retardation, or brain injury, and describe practical approaches to assessing and treating affected individuals and working with other health care providers and systems of care.

Developmental Disabilities from Childhood to Adulthood is a must-have reference for psychiatrists working with developmentally disabled patients of all ages.

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- xiii, 535 p.
Cote : WS 350 V837p 2000 V.1

Enfants - Psychopathologie ; Adolescents - Psychopathologie ; Problèmes sociaux ; Adaptation sociale ; Enfants - Psychothérapie ; Adolescents - Psychothérapie

Cet ouvrage vise deux objectifs: cerner les facteurs de risque et de protection associés à une variété de problèmes d'adaptation chez les jeunes et, surtout, décrire les programmes de prévention disponibles en insistant sur ceux qui se sont révélés efficaces. Plusieurs éléments d'ordre théorique et méthodologique sont abordés au passage. Enfin, certains enjeux sociopolitiques sont débattus. L'ouvrage s'adresse aux étudiants, chercheurs et praticiens qui veulent faire le point sur les connaissances actuelles en matière de prévention auprès des jeunes. Ce deuxième tome traite des problèmes externalisés tels que l'échec scolaire, l'abandon prématuré des études, l'hyperactivité, la violence, le trouble des conduites, la délinquance, la consommation abusive ou précoce de psychotropes, le jeu pathologique, la violence dans les relations amoureuses, les grossesses précoces et les maladies transmissibles sexuellement.

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- xiii, 184 p. : ill.
Cote : HQ 796 A544i 2005

Adolescence ; Adaptation sociale

At the start of every school day, it's not an unfamiliar sight to see younger children bounding toward school, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to seize the day. In contrast, adolescents sometimes seem to sleepwalk toward their middle and high schools, often bleary-eyed, cantankerous, and less than enthusiastic to get down to work. Why the difference?

Recent developmental research has demonstrated a relationship between sleep/wake patterns and different kinds of problem behaviors, including social adjustment problems, family coercion, and disaffection from school. Adolescents who prefer staying up later in the evening and arising late in the morning (i.e., eveningness) have often been considered at greater risk of suffering from such problem behaviors as delinquency and negative relationships with parents and teachers. Those who tend to go to bed and arise earlier (i.e., morningness) have long been associated with more positive outcomes. In the majority of previous research, however, these concepts have never been adequately tested.

In Sync with Adolescence: The Role of Morningness-Eveningness in Development examines the possible effects of adolescent preferences on problem behavior in different contexts. This volume presents a new way of looking at morningness-eveningness in relation to adolescent development in general and on problem behavior in particular. The study has produced results, the implications of which necessitate a reinterpretation of the current thinking about morningness-eveningness and adolescent adjustment.

This volume should be of particular interest to developmental psychologists and researchers who are interested in examining the role of biological factors in psychological processes as well as to sleep researchers who are interested in both the clinical and behavioral aspects. In addition, it is a valuable resource for clinical child and school psychologists, medical staff, teachers, and anyone who works with adolescents.

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- xi, 130 p.
Cote : WM 203.5 M578u 2001

Syndrome d'Asperger ; Autisme ; Enfants autistes ; Tests psychologiques ; Thérapie de comportement ; Diagnostics différentiels ; Adaptation sociale

This volume is designed to provide an overview of Asperger's Syndrome/High Functioning Autism for professionals, parents, and others concerned about these conditions. It is part of the library series that has been created for the many people interested in the field of autism spectrum disorders who want up-to-date, authoritative infor- tion without having to locate and read through the original sources. Our goal in this series is to review, synthesize, and organize the inf- mation so that it can be presented comprehensively and clearly. This volume is the culmination of over a decade of clinical work identifying, organizing, writing, and editing the most current infor- tion available about this high functioning group of people with autism spectrum disorders from current reputable sources. The book explores the history and emphasizes the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of these people and their families. We hope that we have done justice to this extensive literature so that it can be of use to these people th- selves as well as to their many friends, colleagues, and families, and to the interested citizens who are seeking more information about this intriguing area of inquiry.

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