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Documents Angoisse - Étiologie 2 résultats

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- xvi, 510 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 172 V332d 2001

Angoisse ; Angoisse chez l'enfant ; Angoisse - Étiologie

Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent forms of psychopathology across the life span. Although the onset of such disorders may occur at almost any point, in many cases they begin in childhood. In this book, the editors have brought together many of the field's most respected and innovative researchers and challenged them to take a fresh look at the major factors that contribute to the etiology and maintenance of anxiety disorders in childhood and across the life span. The result is a collection of chapters that will stimulate further theoretical and empirical efforts regarding these important issues.

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- x, 204 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 172 N978g 2002

Angoisse ; Trouble panique ; État de stress post-traumatique ; Angoisse - Étiologie

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is justifiably receiving increased recognition as an independent, prevalent and disabling condition. This book is a comprehensive overview of the symptoms, pathogenesis and treatment of GAD. Edited by three international experts, authorities from around the globe summarize the growing research database and provide clinicians with a practical approach to the elevation, management and treatment of this disorder.

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