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Documents Ajustement (Psychologie) 6 résultats

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- xiii, 1137 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 140 D489 2016 V.4

Maladies mentales - Étiologie ; Personnalité - Développement ; Maladies mentales - Facteurs de risque ; Ajustement (Psychologie)

Developmental Psychopathology is a four–volume compendium of the most complete and current research on every aspect of the field. Volume Four: Genes and Environment focuses on the interplay between nature and nurture throughout the life stages, and the ways in which a child′s environment can influence his or her physical and mental health as an adult. The discussion explores relationships with family, friends, and the community; environmental factors like poverty, violence, and social support; the development of coping mechanisms, and more, including the impact of these factors on physical brain development. This new third edition has been fully updated to incorporate the latest advances, and to better reflect the increasingly multilevel and interdisciplinary nature of the field and the growing importance of translational research. The relevance of classification in a developmental context is also addressed, including DSM–5 criteria and definitions.

Advances in developmental psychopathology are occurring increasingly quickly as expanding theoretical and empirical work brings about dramatic gains in the multiple domains of child and adult development. This book brings you up to date on the latest developments surrounding genetics and environmental influence, including their intersection in experience–dependent brain development.

• Understand the impact of childhood adversity on adulthood health
• Gauge the effects of violence, poverty, interparental conflict, and more
• Learn how peer, family, and community relationships drive development
• Examine developments in prevention science and future research priorities

Developmental psychopathology is necessarily interdisciplinary, as development arises from a dynamic interplay between psychological, genetic, social, cognitive, emotional, and cultural factors. Developmental Psychopathology Volume Four: Genes and Environment brings this diverse research together to give you a cohesive picture of the state of knowledge in the field.

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- xv, 1225 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 140 D489 2016 V.3

Maladies mentales - Étiologie ; Personnalité - Développement ; Maladies mentales - Facteurs de risque ; Ajustement (Psychologie)

Developmental Psychopathology is a four–volume compendium of the most complete and current research on every aspect of the field. Volume Four: Genes and Environment focuses on the interplay between nature and nurture throughout the life stages, and the ways in which a child′s environment can influence his or her physical and mental health as an adult. The discussion explores relationships with family, friends, and the community; environmental factors like poverty, violence, and social support; the development of coping mechanisms, and more, including the impact of these factors on physical brain development. This new third edition has been fully updated to incorporate the latest advances, and to better reflect the increasingly multilevel and interdisciplinary nature of the field and the growing importance of translational research. The relevance of classification in a developmental context is also addressed, including DSM–5 criteria and definitions.

Advances in developmental psychopathology are occurring increasingly quickly as expanding theoretical and empirical work brings about dramatic gains in the multiple domains of child and adult development. This book brings you up to date on the latest developments surrounding genetics and environmental influence, including their intersection in experience–dependent brain development.

• Understand the impact of childhood adversity on adulthood health
• Gauge the effects of violence, poverty, interparental conflict, and more
• Learn how peer, family, and community relationships drive development
• Examine developments in prevention science and future research priorities

Developmental psychopathology is necessarily interdisciplinary, as development arises from a dynamic interplay between psychological, genetic, social, cognitive, emotional, and cultural factors. Developmental Psychopathology Volume Four: Genes and Environment brings this diverse research together to give you a cohesive picture of the state of knowledge in the field.

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- xv, 1159 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 140 D489 2016 V.1

Maladies mentales - Étiologie ; Personnalité - Développement ; Maladies mentales - Facteurs de risque ; Ajustement (Psychologie)

Developmental Psychopathology is a four–volume compendium of the most complete and current research on every aspect of the field. Volume Four: Genes and Environment focuses on the interplay between nature and nurture throughout the life stages, and the ways in which a child′s environment can influence his or her physical and mental health as an adult. The discussion explores relationships with family, friends, and the community; environmental factors like poverty, violence, and social support; the development of coping mechanisms, and more, including the impact of these factors on physical brain development. This new third edition has been fully updated to incorporate the latest advances, and to better reflect the increasingly multilevel and interdisciplinary nature of the field and the growing importance of translational research. The relevance of classification in a developmental context is also addressed, including DSM–5 criteria and definitions.

Advances in developmental psychopathology are occurring increasingly quickly as expanding theoretical and empirical work brings about dramatic gains in the multiple domains of child and adult development. This book brings you up to date on the latest developments surrounding genetics and environmental influence, including their intersection in experience–dependent brain development.

• Understand the impact of childhood adversity on adulthood health
• Gauge the effects of violence, poverty, interparental conflict, and more
• Learn how peer, family, and community relationships drive development
• Examine developments in prevention science and future research priorities

Developmental psychopathology is necessarily interdisciplinary, as development arises from a dynamic interplay between psychological, genetic, social, cognitive, emotional, and cultural factors. Developmental Psychopathology Volume Four: Genes and Environment brings this diverse research together to give you a cohesive picture of the state of knowledge in the field.

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- ix, 1064 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 140 D489 2016 V.2

Maladies mentales - Étiologie ; Personnalité - Développement ; Maladies mentales - Facteurs de risque ; Ajustement (Psychologie)

Developmental Psychopathology is a four–volume compendium of the most complete and current research on every aspect of the field. Volume Four: Genes and Environment focuses on the interplay between nature and nurture throughout the life stages, and the ways in which a child′s environment can influence his or her physical and mental health as an adult. The discussion explores relationships with family, friends, and the community; environmental factors like poverty, violence, and social support; the development of coping mechanisms, and more, including the impact of these factors on physical brain development. This new third edition has been fully updated to incorporate the latest advances, and to better reflect the increasingly multilevel and interdisciplinary nature of the field and the growing importance of translational research. The relevance of classification in a developmental context is also addressed, including DSM–5 criteria and definitions.

Advances in developmental psychopathology are occurring increasingly quickly as expanding theoretical and empirical work brings about dramatic gains in the multiple domains of child and adult development. This book brings you up to date on the latest developments surrounding genetics and environmental influence, including their intersection in experience–dependent brain development.

• Understand the impact of childhood adversity on adulthood health
• Gauge the effects of violence, poverty, interparental conflict, and more
• Learn how peer, family, and community relationships drive development
• Examine developments in prevention science and future research priorities

Developmental psychopathology is necessarily interdisciplinary, as development arises from a dynamic interplay between psychological, genetic, social, cognitive, emotional, and cultural factors. Developmental Psychopathology Volume Four: Genes and Environment brings this diverse research together to give you a cohesive picture of the state of knowledge in the field.

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- 120 p.
Cote : BF 698.35.R47 C997e 2002

Résilience chez l'enfant ; Ajustement (Psychologie) ; Stress chez l'enfant ; Enfants - Psychologie

Un enfant qui tient, le coup, c'est ce qu'on appelle un enfant résilient. Certaines personnes ont subi dès leur plus jeune âge les pires adversités... et pourtant elles s'en sortent ! Quel est leur secret ? Issu d'un récent colloque à Chateauvallon consacré à la résilience, cet ouvrage nous incite à rompre avec un certain nombre de lieux communs. Les principaux spécialistes français et étrangers du concept de résilience étudient et analysent ce qui amène certains enfants à résister malgré l'augmentation des risques de traumatisme. Ils nous apportent les contributions les plus récentes afin de mieux comprendre les enfants plus fragiles et de trouver les conditions qui permettraient au plus grand nombre de tenir le coup. Grâce à ces travaux, de nouvelles perspectives de travail et de recherches s'ouvrent pour les spécialistes de la prévention, les médecins, les psychologues et les travailleurs sociaux. Non seulement ce livre est riche d'enseignement, mais il nous conduit à plus d'optimisme dans lés perspectives d'éducation et de soins dans le domaine de l'enfance.

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- xix, 446 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 90 P974 2001

Cancer - Aspect social ; Gestion du stress ; Ajustement (Psychologie) ; Cancer - Aspect psychologique

In "Psychosocial Interventions for Cancer" contributors analyze state-of-the-art research, theory and intervention to prevent cancer, detect it in more treatable stages, and enhance the quality of life among cancer patients and their families. In this shot across the bow of this feared and all-too-common disease, contributors explore conceptual and applied currents in health psychology, public health and behavioural medicine and review major research programmes on patient interventions. Authors also describe current thought on the mechanisms through which psychosocial interventions change behaviours or enhance adjustment. "Psychosocial Interventions for Cancer" vividly witnesses to the power of psychological interventions to enhance treatment and help cancer patients cope with cancer. Health psychologists, public health practitioners, medical doctors, oncologists and anyone else in the field of cancer care and research should value this book as a rich source of guidance.

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