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Documents Comportement suicidaire - Traitement 5 résultats

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- viii, 295 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 165 M934s 2021

Suicide - Prévention ; Comportement suicidaire - Traitement

The current scientifically informed view of suicide is that, while complex, suicide is a health-related outcome. Driven by a convergence of health factors along with other psychosocial and environmental factors, suicide risk is multi-factorial. Like most health outcomes, a set of genetic, environmental, and psychological/behavioral factors are relevant. It's critically important that health professionals develop a current understanding of suicide as older views have permeated and clouded societal understanding leading to assumptions and judgment that have silenced generations of people suffering suicidal struggles or loss of a loved one to suicide.

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- xix, 370 p.
Cote : WM 165 C537c 2019

Comportement suicidaire ; Comportement suicidaire - Traitement ; Suicide - Prévention ; Suicide

Since the first edition of Clinical Manual for Assessment and Treatment of Suicidal Patients was published in 2005, advances have been made that increase our understanding of suicidal and self-destructive behavior. Although clinicians cannot unerringly predict which patients will die by suicide, they can focus more successfully on early identification of suicidal behavior and effective intervention, and this new edition of the clinical manual thoroughly explores not only assessment of suicidality but what comes after an at-risk patient has been identified. The authors argue that treating specific psychiatric disorders is not enough to prevent suicide, and they offer clinicians the necessary information and strategies to bridge that gap. The authors' main premise is that suicide is a dangerous and short-term problem-solving behavior designed to regulate or eliminate intense emotional pain—a quick fix where a long-term effective solution is needed—and this understanding is the underpinning of the assessment and treatment strategies the authors recommend.

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- 217 p. : ill.
Cote : HV 6545 L215s 2014

Suicide ; Suicide - Prévention ; Comportement suicidaire - Traitement

Une nouvelle vision du suicide qui donne espoir à ceux qui ont des idées suicidaires et à leurs proches.
Comment aborder la question du suicide avec un membre de notre famille ou de notre entourage qui semble à risque? Doit-on lui cacher notre inquiétude ou, au contraire, lui poser des questions précises? Comment le faire sans aggraver la situation?

Médecin psychiatre de l'Université McGill, Suzanne Lamarre nous livre dans ces pages une nouvelle vision de la problématique du suicide. Elle fait la preuve qu'il ne faut plus se limiter à traiter les comportements suicidaires comme les symptômes d'une maladie mentale, mais comme un moment clé pour réorganiser la vie avec les autres. Des histoires de cas, certaines tristes, d'autres touchantes ou qui se terminent bien, illustrent son propos. Une réflexion essentielle destinée à susciter de nombreuses discussions sur l'approche aux suicidaires et la stigmatisation des troubles mentaux.

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- xxv, 744 p.: ill.
Cote : WM 165 A512 2012

Suicide - Facteurs de risque ; Comportement suicidaire - Diagnostic ; Comportement suicidaire - Traitement ; Malades mentaux - Comportement suicidaire ; Suicide - Prévention

Surpassing the first edition in terms of structure, scope, and hands-on utility, this new edition of "The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Suicide Assessment and Management" follows the natural sequence of events in evaluating and treating patients: assessment, major mental disorders, treatment, treatment settings, special populations, special topics, prevention, and the aftermath of suicide. The number of chapters has been increased approximately 20 per cent, from 28 to 34. In addition, 22 new chapter authors were recruited for the second edition, representing nearly half of the 50 authors from the first edition, to present more diverse perspectives. The result is a larger and more substantive text, one that addresses everything today's practitioner needs to know, from the basic biological mechanisms associated with suicide to the effects of Internet harassment. "The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Suicide Assessment and Management" is essential reading.

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- xvii, 282 p. : ill.
Cote : HV 6545 M829c 2008

Comportement suicidaire ; Comportement suicidaire - Traitement ; Suicide - Aspect psychologique ; Psychothérapie

Comment soigner les suicidants ? Cet ouvrage s'emploie à répondre avec précision à cette question en détaillant le vécu de la relation soignant/suicidant de l'après crise au suivi psychothérapique. Toutes les étapes du suivi des suicidants sont illustrées par des exemples cliniques issus de la pratique du médecin, de l'infirmier des urgences, du psychothérapeute.

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