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Documents Dépression chez l'adolescent 18 résultats

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- 269 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 171 D287d 2022

Dépression chez l'adolescent ; Dépression chez l'enfant

La dépression chez l'enfant reste un sujet peu abordé dans notre société. Des recherches ont été réalisées avec comme référence le trouble chez l'adulte. L'objet de ce livre est de préciser les signes propres à la dépression chez l'enfant. Nous espérons que cela aidera les parents, les instituteurs et les spécialistes de la santé à reconnaître ce trouble quand ils le rencontreront. Enfin, nous exposons l'approche thérapeutique Développementale, Intégrative, Familiale, Adaptative et Pluridisciplinaire (D.I.F.A.P.) que nous avons développée depuis 40 ans.

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- 189 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 463 S432m.F 2008
Traduction de : My kind of sad, 2006.

Dépression chez l'adolescent ; Angoisse chez l'adolescent ; Psychose maniacodépressive chez l'adolescent ; Troubles du comportement alimentaire ; Automutilation chez l'adolescent ; Adolescents - Comportement suicidaire ; Troubles affectifs - Traitement

Le mal de vivre chez les adolescents présente les faits sur la morosité, la dépression et la condition adolescente. Depuis les facteurs qui affectent leur humeur et leur personnalité jusqu'aux signes avant-coureurs de la dépression, l'ouvrage explore le monde de la santé mentale chez les jeunes et prend l'avis de spécialistes sur les façons de venir en aide à un ami dans le besoin ou de trouver l'aide appropriée pour soi-même.

Dans cet essai, il est entre autres question d'instabilité émotive, de dépression, d'anxiété, de manie, de troubles alimentaires, d'automutilation, de toxicomanie et de suicide. L'auteur nous aide à distinguer les sautes d'humeur « courantes » chez les jeunes adolescents des troubles plus sérieux. L'essai est accompagné de nombreux témoignages d'adolescents.

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- xvii, 310 p.
Cote : WM 172 S276e 2014

Dépression chez l'adolescent ; Thérapie cognitive ; Dépression chez l'enfant ; Dépression - Traitement ; Angoisse chez l'adolescent - Traitement ; Angoisse chez l'enfant - Traitement

Evidence-Based CBT is the first book to take an explicitly competencies-based approach to the cognitive-behavioural treatment of anxiety and depression in children and young people. It draws on top-name expertise to define and demonstrate the therapist competencies needed to effectively implement CBT.

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Cote : WM 171 D537a 2014

Dépression chez l'adolescent ; Parents et adolescents - Aspect psychologique ; Thérapie familiale

Attachment-Based Family Therapy (ABFT) is the only empirically supported family therapy model designed to treat adolescent depression. This book describes clinical strategies for therapists, as well as the theoretical basis of the approach and the evidence base that supports it. ABFT emerges from interpersonal theories that suggest adolescent depression and suicide can be precipitated, exacerbated, or buffered against by the quality of interpersonal relationships in families. ABFT aims to repair interpersonal ruptures and rebuild an emotionally protective, secure-based, parent child relationship. The treatment initially focuses on repairing or strengthening attachment and then turns to promoting adolescent autonomy. In particular, the authors delineate five treatment phases, or "tasks," which each have distinct goals and strategies. Thus, while the model is trauma-focused and process-oriented, it includes a structure and a clear roadmap for facilitating the reparative process. The chapters blend empirical research with clinical guidance, illustrative vignettes, and a case study. With its unique emphasis on the depressed adolescent's need for attachment and autonomy, this book will show family therapists how to create in-session, corrective attachment experiences where adolescents seek and parents provide love and support.

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- xv, 289 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 171 S869t 2011

Dépression chez l'adolescent ; Médecine factuelle ; Dépression - Traitement

Part of the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Adults provides busy mental health practitioners with detailed, step-by-step guidance for implementing clinical interventions that are supported by the latest scientific evidence.

This thorough, yet practical volume draws on a roster of experts and researchers in the field who have assembled state-of-the-art knowledge into this well-rounded guide. Each chapter serves as a practitioner-focused how-to reference and covers interventions that have the best empirical support for the treatment of depression, including:

• Cognitive Behavior Therapy
• Behavioral Activation
• Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy for Chronic Depression

Easy to use and accessible in tone, Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Adults is indispensable for practitioners who would like to implement evidence-based, culturally competent, effective interventions in their care of clients struggling with depression.

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- xxv, 469 p.
Cote : WS 105.5 H878a 2012

Dépression chez l'adolescent ; Dépression chez l'enfant ; Angoisse chez l'adolescent ; Angoisse chez l'enfant

Although generally considered adult disorders, anxiety and depression are widespread among children and adolescents, affecting academic performance, social development, and long-term outcomes. They are also difficult to treat and, especially when they occur in tandem, tend to fly under the diagnostic radar.

Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents offers a developmental psychology perspective for understanding and treating these complex disorders as they manifest in young people. Adding the school environment to well-known developmental contexts such as biology, genetics, social structures, and family, this significant volume provides a rich foundation for study and practice by analyzing the progression of pathology and the critical role of emotion regulation in anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, and in combination. Accurate diagnostic techniques, appropriate intervention methods, and empirically sound prevention strategies are given accessible, clinically relevant coverage. Illustrative case examples and an appendix of forms and checklists help make the book especially useful.

Featured in the text:

• Developmental psychopathology of anxiety, anxiety disorders, depression, and mood disorders.
• Differential diagnosis of the anxiety and depressive disorders.
• Assessment measures for specific conditions.
• Age-appropriate interventions for anxiety and depression, including CBT and pharmacotherapy.
• Multitier school-based intervention and community programs.
• Building resilience through prevention.

Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents is an essential reference for practitioners, researchers, and graduate students in school and clinical child psychology, mental health and school counseling, family therapy, psychiatry, social work, and education.

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- xvi, 360 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 171 R456t 2009

Dépression chez l'adolescent ; Dépression chez l'enfant ; Dépression

This book is a practical and authoritative guide to diagnosis and treatment of child and adolescent depression in various clinical settings, health care systems, and cultures. Emphasis is placed on evidence-based precepts for treatment. The contributors address current controversies surrounding the potential risks of medications in children and discuss other biological treatments and psychotherapies. Key take-home points are listed at the end of each chapter. Flow charts and tables summarize treatment recommendations, and tables summarize evidence of effectiveness and quality of evidence. Also included are lists of other resources for clinicians, patients, and families.

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- xiv, 362 p. ; ill.
Cote : WS 462 A428a 2008

Dépression chez l'adolescent ; Émotions chez l'adolescent ; Adolescents - Psychologie ; Adolescence ; Puberté

One of the most striking aspects of the epidemiology of depressive disorders is the rapid rise in incidence observed between the ages of 11 and 14. This book explores the developmental changes occurring during the transition from childhood into early adolescence in order to understand how vulnerability to depression develops. The authors focus on emotional development, which serves to encapsulate the cognitive, sexual, interpersonal and familial changes that occur during this life stage. This is an essential read for practicing psychiatrists and psychologists who work with early adolescents, along with academics and researchers interested in affective science or developmental psychology and psychopathology. Other professionals working with children and adolescents, including teachers, social workers, counsellors and family practice physicians will also find this a useful summary of the latest scientific developments that are shedding light on the vulnerabilities and opportunities particular to this critical stage of life.

• The first book to focus on the developmental roots of depression
• Explains how research on emotion impacts the clinical treatment of depression
• Fully integrates the developmental and clinical perspectives

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- 170 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 171 E92d.F 2012
Trad. de: If your adolescent has depression or bipolar disorder : an essential resource for parents

Dépression chez l'adolescent ; Psychose maniacodépressive chez l'adolescent ; Rôle parental ; Psychoses chez l'adolescent ; Dépression

Destiné aux parents et aux professionnels psycho-socio-éducatifs, l'ouvrage décrit la dépression et le trouble bipolaire sous ses différentes formes et y associe des conseils pratiques pour le quotidien basés sur l'expérience des parents.
"De nombreux témoignages, conseils et aides pratiques basés sur l'expérience de parents".

Destiné aux parents d'adolescents qui présentent une dépression ou un trouble bipolaire (anciennement maniaco-dépression), cet ouvrage réunit les informations venant d'experts de la santé mentale des adolescents. Il décrit la dépression et le trouble bipolaire sous ses différentes formes et les distingue des modifications d'humeur propres à l'adolescence.

Il fournit des informations basées sur l'état actuel des connaissances et tout particulièrement :

les signes avant-coureurs à surveiller ; le diagnostic ;les traitements les plus récents ;la façon de gérer le quotidien à la maison et à l'école ;les stratégies de prévention.
Les auteurs y associent des conseils pratiques pour la vie de tous les jours, basés sur l'expérience de parents qui ont dû faire face à ces maladies chez leurs propres enfants.

Ce livre, combinant la science médicale avec la sagesse pratique de ces parents, se veut accessible et rassurant pour les familles d'adolescents en souffrance. Il sera d'une aide précieuse pour poser les questions cruciales, faire des choix pertinents et augmenter les chances que l'adolescent en souffrance reçoive les traitements appropriés et l'éducation qui convient.

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