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Documents Échocardiographie 10 résultats

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- 1 ressource en ligne (588 pages)

Échocardiographie ; Coeur - Maladies

Today's echocardiography continues to be a widely available, minimal-risk procedure with the potential to yield a vast amount of detailed, precise anatomic and physiologic information. Dr. Catherine Otto's Textbook of Clinical Echocardiography, 7th Edition, clearly outlines how to master the core principles of echocardiographic imaging in order to make an initial diagnosis and integrate this data in clinical decision making for patients with a wide range of cardiovascular diseases. Ideal for cardiology fellows, medicine residents, and cardiac sonography students, this bestselling text teaches all the essential elements of ultrasound physics, tomographic and 3D anatomy, image acquisition, advanced imaging modalities, and application in specific disease categories—all with a practical, problem-based approach.

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- 1 ressource en ligne : illustrations (principalement en couleur)

Diagnostics biologiques délocalisés ; Échocardiographie ; Appareil cardiovasculaire - Maladies

Easy-to-use, handheld echocardiographic equipment has recently become a reliable, faster, lower-cost initial assessment option for cardiologists and other healthcare providers. Point-of-Care Echocardiography: A Case-Based Visual Guide clearly explains and demonstrates how to incorporate and effectively employ this new technology in your practice. Real-life images from actual outpatient consultations and in-patient evaluations provide step-by-step guidance on using handheld echo to arrive at a definitive diagnosis and/or to exclude other possible diagnoses.

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Appareil cardiovasculaire - Maladies ; Imagerie pour le diagnostic ; Échocardiographie ; Échographie

Ideally suited for those clinicians who have already mastered basic principles, The Practice of Clinical Echocardiography, 6th Edition, provides expert guidance on interpreting echocardiographic images and Doppler flow data. Through practical, clear, and carefully edited content, world-renowned expert Dr. Catherine M. Otto and her team of more than 65 leaders in echocardiography demonstrate how to apply advanced knowledge to daily clinical decision making. Newly reorganized sections cover advanced principles for the echocardiographer, best practices for echocardiography laboratories, transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography, intraoperative and interventional echocardiography, and point-of-care cardiac ultrasound.

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- 1 ressource en ligne

Cardiomyopathies ; Coeur - Imagerie ; Échocardiographie ; Myocardite

Strain imaging (also known as speckle-tracking echocardiography or STE) is a rapidly growing, affordable, and versatile cardiac imaging technology of great interest to clinicians in both inpatient and outpatient settings. ASE's Comprehensive Strain Imaging is the first reference designed to help you master a wide range of strain imaging/STE applications, including screening, diagnosis, treatment, and follow up. Written and edited by a team of international experts from the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE), this new resource provides the information you need to optimize imaging acquisition and analysis using this important new echocardiography method.

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- 1 ressource en ligne

Échocardiographie ; Appareil cardiovasculaire - Maladies ; Échographie

Edited by a team of leading echocardiography experts and endorsed by the American Society of Echocardiography, ASE'S Comprehensive Echocardiography, 3rd Edition, covers the full spectrum of sonography of the heart in one succinct, authoritative resource. This highly regarded text provides must-know information on everything from basic foundations and principles to clinical application, written and edited by ASE members with expertise in each specific area. Case studies, numerous tables, high-quality images and videos highlight the latest uses of echocardiography, including the most recent 2D and 3D advances.
Discusses all the latest methods to assess cardiac chamber size and function, valvular stenosis/regurgitation, cardiomyopathies, coronary artery disease, complications of myocardial infarction, and other cardiac pathologies.

• Covers recent advances in critical care echocardiography, cardio-oncology, structural heart disease, interventional/intraoperative echocardiography, strain imaging of left and right heart chambers, multimodality imaging in systemic diseases, and novel 3D techniques.
• Contains more than 1,200 updated images: echocardiograms (including 2D, 3D, and Doppler), diagrams, anatomic drawings, algorithmic drawings, and more.
• Provides access to nearly 600 full-motion echocardiography video clips.
• Keeps you up to date with the latest echocardiography practice guidelines and advanced technologies.
• Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

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- 1 ressource en ligne


Echocardiography remains the most commonly used imaging technique to visualize the heart and great vessels, and this clinically oriented text by Drs. Scott D. Solomon, Justina C. Wu, and Linda D. Gillam helps you make the most of its diagnostic and prognostic potential for your patients. Part of the highly regarded Braunwald's family of cardiology references, Essential Echocardiography expertly covers basic principles of anatomy and physiology, the appearance of normal variants across a wide range of cardiovascular diseases, and the hands-on approaches necessary to acquire and interpret optimal echocardiographic images in the clinical setting.

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- xx, 244 p. : ill.
Cote : WG 141.5.E2 E18 2010


Synthèse des bases fondamentales pour l'utilisation de l'échocardiographie et présentation des principales pathologies cardiovasculaires. Nouveaux chapitres sur l'insuffisance cardiaque et la resynchronisation ventriculaire. Actualisation des méthodes d'enregistrement (technique Doppler).

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Cote : WG 141.5.E2 P514n DVD 2014
Réunion scientifique départementale du 16 avril 2014.
Titre de l'étiquette : Nouveautés au laboratoire d'échocardiographie
Public cible : Personnel médical - Intramuros

Échocardiographie ; Échocardiographie tridimentionnelle ; Cardiomyopathies

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- xv, 785 p. : ill. + 1 DVD
Cote : WG 141.5.E2 A739f 2010


The thoroughly revised Seventh Edition of Feigenbaum's Echocardiography reflects recent changes in the technology and clinical use of echocardiography. Highlights include over 1,600 illustrations, 600 in full color; detailed discussions on the use of three-dimensional echocardiography and perfusion imaging; and new information on the mechanics and utility of Strain and Strain rate imaging. Many new images complement the state-of-the-art information on technological advances.

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- vii, 225 p. : ill.
Cote : WG 141.5.E2 G946e.F 2006
Trad. de : Der Echo-Guide - Die kompakte Einführung in die Echokardiographie

Échocardiographie ; Doppler, Échographie

L'échocardiographie Doppler couleur est aujourd'hui l'un des piliers du diagnostic en cardiologie. Cet examen fournit des données indispensables, non seulement anatomiques, mais également fonctionnelles. II est donc crucial de savoir le lire et l'interpréter : d'où l'intérêt de ce guide de poche clair, pratique et très richement illustré de 444 documents. Après une première partie consacrée à la méthode de l'examen : position du patient, position de la sonde, principales incidences, l'auteur expose tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'échocardiogramme bidimentionnel normal. Puis il traite de l'écho en mode M. obtenu à partir de celui-ci et de l'écho-Doppler. La troisième partie de l'ouvrage est consacrée à l'imagerie de la pathologie cardiaque : valvulopathies, maladie coronaire, myocardiopathies, surveillance des prothèses valvulaires, HTA, tumeurs cardiaques, cœur pulmonaire, cardiopathies congénitales, etc... Ce guide offre ainsi au lecteur plus de 400 illustrations détaillées, avec les représentations graphiques en 3D des voies d'exploration pour une meilleure compréhension et une orientation précise du plan de coupe pour chaque vue échographique, et plus de 300 descriptions simples et repères échographiques. Il s'agit, au total, d'un ouvrage pratique et très convivial, illustré de documents de grande qualité, indispensable à la pratique cardiologique quotidienne.

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