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Documents Cerveau - Maladies 2 résultats

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- xix, 429 p.
Cote : WS 340 B265n 2004

Tests neuropsychologiques pour enfants ; Enfants - Tests psychologiques ; Neuropsychologie pédiatrique ; Cerveau - Lésions et blessures ; Cerveau - Maladies

This esential desk reference will meet the demand for a broad and convenient collection of normative data in child neuropsychology. In a clearly written, well-organized manner, it compiles published and previously unpublished normative data for the neuropsychological tests that are most commonly used with children. Far from being a raw collection, however, it integrates concepts and models central to the neuropsychological assessment of children into the discussions of data. All these discussions have a practical, clinical focus. As background, the author considers the current status of child neuropsychology practice, test models, behavioral assessment techniques, observational data, procedures to optimize child evaluation, communication of results through the interpretive session and report writing, and preliminary assessment methods. Then she reviews the tests and data under the broad domains of intelligence, executive function, attention, language, motor and sensory-perceptual function, visuoperceptual, visuospatial, and visuoconstructional function, and learning and memory. Written by a seasoned practioner, this book will be an extraordinary resource for child and developmental neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists, child neurologists, and their students and trainees.

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