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Documents Enfants - Psychopathologie - Études de cas 3 résultats

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- 266 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 350 C552c 2008
Autre titre : Cinq cas cliniques en psychopathologie de l'enfant

Enfants - Psychopathologie - Études de cas

Cet ouvrage restitue 5 cas cliniques d'enfants atteints de troubles névrotiques. Chaque cas est présenté de la même manière : présentation du premier entretien mené avec l'enfant et sa famille, repérage et classification des symptômes, exposé des rencontres avec l'enfant, explicitation de ses jeux et de ses dessins, compte rendu du suivi thérapeutique.

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- x, 212 p.
Cote : WS 350 Z58d 2016

Enfants - Psychopathologie - Classification ; Enfants - Psychopathologie - Études de cas ; Enfants - Psychopathologie - Diagnostic ; Nourrissons - Psychopathologie - Classification ; Nourrissons - Pyschopathologie - Études de cas ; Nourrissons - Psychopathologie - Diagnostic

DC:0-5 captures new findings relevant to diagnosis in young children and addresses unresolved issues in the field since DC:03R was published in 2005. DC:05 is designed to help mental health and other professionals:

- recognize mental health and developmental challenges in infants and young children, through 5 years old;
- understand that relationships and psychosocial stressors contribute to mental health and developmental disorders and incorporate contextual factors into the diagnostic process;
- use diagnostic criteria effectively for classification, case formulation, and intervention; and
- facilitate research on mental health disorders in infants and young children.

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- xiii, 308 p.
Cote : WS 350 W744c 2004

Enfants - Psychopathologie ; Enfants - Psychopathologie - Études de cas ; Adolescents - Psychopathologie ; Adolescents - Psychopathologie - Études de cas

Child and adolescent psychopathology : a casebook provides an abundance of realistic cases in assessing and treating child psychopathologies. In part one, students are introduced to "a case called Jeremy", a six-year-old hyperactive and non-compliatn child, raised by his mother and maternal grandmother. Using Jeremy as a guide, students are exposed to a thrre-stage model of case formulation, ad gain an awareness of the competencies and knowledge required to successfully accomplish the goals of each stage in the process. Developing case formulations for Jeremy based on different theoretical perspectives, students gain an increased appreciation of how case formulations envolve based on five different theoretical perspectives : psychodynamic, behavioral, congitive, family systems, and attachment/parenting.
In part two, fourteen cases present dynamic illustrations of the complex and comorbid nature of childhood disorders. Each case is accompanied by a discussion of relevant evidence-based treatments and provocative questions designed to link case-based information to theory and reasearch. Spplumental information provided in the appendix will be of particular interest to advanced students in child assessment and child treatment. Cild and adolescent psychopathology : a casebook is an excellent supplement for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in developmental psychology, child psychology, counseling, and education. Practicing clinicians will also find this an invaluable reference in the assessment and treatment of child psychopathologies.

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