
Date de publication

Documents Épidémiologie - Recherche - Méthodologie 1 résultats

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- xv, 336 p. : ill.
Cote : WA 950 H913d 2001

Études cliniques ; Médecine - Recherche ; Épidémiologie - Recherche - Méthodologie ; Plan d'expérience

It is a pratical guide to planning and implementing clinical research. Straightforward and reader-friendly, this text provides physicians and clinical investigators rigorous and complete descriptions of key components, emphasizing common sense as the main ingredient of good science. The second edition has been greatly strengthened by providing: fresh examples and ideas on what's new in clinical research in every chapter from the first edition, expanded treatment of clinical trial design and implementation, new approaches to sample size estimation, keeping it simple while covering more design options, a major update on ethics and the responsible conduct of research, new chapters on medical test studies, secondary data (including ancillary studies and meta-analysis), data management, and community and international research, new exercices that highlight major clinical research issues

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