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Documents Équipements sanitaires - Administration 6 résultats

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- xxxi, 279 pages : ill.
Cote : W 84.1 M632r 2022

Communication en médecine ; Diversité culturelle ; Égalité (Sociologie) ; Équipements sanitaires - Administration ; Multiculturalisme en milieu de travail ; Services de santé - Administration ; Santé - Aspect social

In order to resolve the significant racial, ethnic, language, and financial inequities that exist in healthcare quality and access, health systems must undertake the development of systematic approaches to advance diversity, inclusion, and health equity. Developed from the data, experience, and research that emerged from ten years of intentional creation of such an approach at Northwell Health, Reigniting the human connection: a pathway to diversity, inclusion, and health equity offers readers an adaptable framework on which to build their own response. This carefully constructed framework is centered on a holistic vision of care, one that utilizes approaches that support the emergence of patients as partners in their care in order to meet the demands of twenty-first-century healthcare.

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- XXI-456 p. : tabl., graph., couv. ill.
Cote : WX 150 P438 2015

Hôpitaux - Administration ; Changement organisationnel ; Services de santé - Administration ; Organisation du travail ; Rendement au travail ; Équipements sanitaires - Administration

La performance est un concept qui a envahi le monde de la santé à tous les niveaux. Ce concept est cependant difficile à appréhender : la performance comporte de multiples dimensions dont chacune n'éclaire qu'un aspect de la question. En outre, il fait - entre autres - référence à la dimension économique du soin qui n'est pas spontanément ancrée dans le secteur. Une approche globale portant non seulement sur chacune des dimensions, mais également sur le produit de leurs interactions, est nécessaire pour rendre compte du concept. Un éclairage selon les points de vue des différentes parties prenantes du système de santé est également à considérer pour comprendre toute la complexité du déploiement et du pilotage de la performance au niveau macro et microéconomique

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- xxxvi, 244 p. : ill.
Cote : WX 155 S749p 2013

Efficience dans l'industrie ; Équipements sanitaires - Administration ; Services de santé - Administration ; Six Sigma

This book bridges the gap between a highly quantitative analysis of a process that requires extensive training (i.e., Six Sigma certification) and a more simplified approach that can be used and understood by the masses (i.e., Lean thinking). We introduce the familiar healthcare protocol for patient care and safety, the Assess, Diagnosis, Treat, and Prevent (ADTP) model to be considered as an improvement methodology. This will assist those in your facility to better understand how Lean and Six Sigma can be successfully deployed. (NOTE: Please see The Practical Lean Six Sigma Pocket Guide for Healthcare (smaller, 3.5 in. x 5.5 in.) for the same tools, concepts, etc. arranged in the D-M-A-I-C model for less than 10 dollars!) The goal of this book is to make the methods and tools of Lean and Six Sigma accessible to more people and provide a common sense or practical approach to problem solving and continuous improvement. This book is intended to be used by Sigma Belt Levels, Lean Senseis (i.e., teachers), Continuous Improvement Specialists, front-line managers, and supervisors of departments and work groups, and improvement team members in their efforts to improve the patient care experience while reducing waste and variation in all types of healthcare processes. The Lean Six Sigma tools and concepts are presented relative to the A3 road map to provide a definitive how-to guide to problem solving and continuous improvement (Kaizen) initiatives.

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- xxv, 189 p. : ill.
Cote : WX 155 W582l 2016

Équipements sanitaires - Administration ; Services de santé - Administration ; Qualité totale ; Qualité totale dans l'administration des services sociaux

You likely don't need any more tools, programs, or workshops to improve your hospital. What you need is a simple and consistent approach to manage problem-solving. Filling this need, this book presents a Lean management system that can help break down barriers between staff, directors, and administration and empower front-line staff to resolve their own problems.
Lean Daily Management for Healthcare: A Strategic Guide to Implementing Lean for Hospital Leaders provides practical, step-by-step guidance on how to roll out Lean daily management in a hospital setting. Ideal for leaders that may feel lost in the transition process, the book supplies a roadmap to help you identify where your hospital currently is in its Lean process, where it's headed, and how your role will change as you evolve into a Lean leader.
Illustrating the entire process of implementing Lean daily management, the book breaks down the cultural progression of units into discreet, objectively measurable phases. It identifies what leaders at all levels of the organization must do to progress units into the next phase of development.
Complete with case studies from different service areas in the hospital, the book explains how to link problem-solving boards together to achieve meaningful and measurable improvements in: the emergency department, the operating room, discharge times, clinics, quality, and patient satisfaction.
After reading this book you will understand how consistent rounding, a few whiteboards, pen-and-paper data, and a focused effort on working the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle can help you build a common problem-solving bench strength throughout your organization—establishing the framework upon which future improvement can be built.

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- 1 ressource en ligne

Hôpitaux - Administration ; Hôpitaux - Finances ; Équipements sanitaires - Administration ; Équipements sanitaires - Finances

Financial management challenges are not confined to the CFO's office. Any manager in today's increasingly complex healthcare environment must have a solid grasp of finance fundamentals, and this book provides them. In straightforward language aimed at students and managers outside of finance, Introduction to the Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations covers a full range of topics. The first four sections-Financial Management, Operating Revenue, Working Capital, and Resource Allocation-start with core financial concepts, then delve into issues unique to the healthcare setting. Highlights include the tax status of healthcare organizations, third-party payers and payment methodologies, cost accounting and analysis, rate setting, strategic financial planning, and capital budgeting. A final section on healthcare reform analyzes important trends that will affect healthcare organizations in the future.

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- xvii, 589 p. : ill.
Cote : WX 159 M129e 2015

Personnel - Direction ; Équipements sanitaires - Administration ; Personnel - Supervision

The Eighth Edition of this best-selling text continues to offer proven, hands-on, practical applications of both classic and current management principles in the healthcare setting. Packed with strategies, techniques, and tools to build or reinforce your management skills and meet the never-ending challenges that one may face daily as a healthcare supervisor, students and professionals alike will benefit from this classic guidebook that is now more reader-friendly and accessible.

Key Features:
• Particularly valuable to those new to management and supervisory responsibilities
• Deals with the fundamentals of management from the unique context of the healthcare organization
• Useful as a classroom tool and also as a working guide, a text students will want to keep and refer to later
• Thoroughly updated, including two new chapters on the "Evolving Supervisory Role" and the "Volatile Healthcare Environment"

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