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Documents Enfants - Santé mentale 10 résultats

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- xvii, 323 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 420.5.P5 OX98 2022

Enfants - Santé mentale ; Adolescents - Santé mentale ; Psychothérapie brève

Many children with mental health problems do not receive support and there are often extensive waiting lists for Children and Young People's Mental Health Services, which are increasingly overstretched. Unfortunately, a large proportion of children with mental health disorders do not access evidence-based treatment. Low-intensity psychological interventions are now recommended by a number of national guidelines and in the UK, are being implemented by a new workforce of Child Wellbeing Practitioners (CWPs).

The Oxford Guide to Brief and Low Intensity Interventions for Children and Young People provides a comprehensive resource for therapists, services and training providers regarding the use, delivery, and implementation of brief and low intensity psychological interventions within a child and adolescent context. It includes concise, focused chapters from leading experts in the field, combining the most up-to-date research with practical considerations regarding the delivery of low intensity interventions.

The first of its kind, this book will be an indispensable resource for practitioners, services, and training courses internationally.

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Cote : WS 350 N767c DVD 2010
Titre parallèle : Racing thoughts
Titre complémentaire : Quand la maladie mentale prend l'enfance en otage
Sous-titres en anglais et en français

Enfants - Santé mentale ; Enfants - Psychopathologie ; Adolescents - Santé mentale ; Adolescents - Psychopathologie

Ces enfants ont pensé qu'ils étaient fous. Ils ont voulu mourir, ont connu la peur, la rage, le désespoir. Atteints de troubles mentaux, quatre enfants et leurs parents font le choix courageux de raconter leur histoire. À leurs voix s'ajoute celle de la réalisatrice qui a reçu à l'âge adulte un diagnostic de troubles bipolaires et raconte avec une puissance d'évocation les premiers symptômes qui remontent à l'enfance. Ça tourne dans ma tête s'inscrit en marge des débats de spécialistes, adoptant un ton intimiste qui permet de découvrir les enfants derrière les mots angoissants de leur diagnostic.

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- xix, 427 p.
Cote : WS 350.6 G135t 2001

Enfants - Psychopathologie ; Adolescents - Psychopathologie ; Enfants - Santé mentale ; Adolescents - Services de santé mentale ; Maladies mentales - Traitement

Le présent ouvrage aborde de façon claire et accessible les troubles mentaux chez les enfants et les adolescents. Le premier chapitre expose l'ampleur des troubles dont souffrent les enfants ainsi que les réactions des proches. Les chapitres suivants s'intéressent à l'évolution normale de l'enfant, de l'adolescent et des familles. Puis on étudie les troubles anxieux chez les jeunes, la maltraitance et le stress post-traumatique, pour aborder ensuite la dépression et les comportements suicidaires. Enfin on explore certains troubles spécifiques, tels l'autisme, les psychoses, les handicaps et maladies chroniques, les troubles d'attention et des conduites, l'anorexie, la boulimie et l'hyperactivité.

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- xv, 279 p.
Cote : WS 350 O66d 2015

Adolescents - Services de santé mentale ; Enfants - Santé mentale ; Santé mentale ; Recherche qualitative

Researching child and adolescent mental health can be a daunting task, but with the right practical skills and knowledge your students can transform the way they work with children and young people, giving them a ‘voice' through their research in the wider community.
Michelle O′Reilly and Nikki Parker combine their clinical, academic and research expertise to take your students step-by-step through each stage of the research process. From first inception to data collection and dissemination, they'll guide them through the key issues faced when undertaking their research, highlighting the dilemmas, challenges and debates, and exploring the important questions asked when doing research with this population.
Providing practical advice and strategies for dealing with the reality of conducting research in practice, this book will:

-Provide your students with an overview of the theories that underpin methodological choice and the value of using qualitative research.
-Guide them through the planning stage of your project, clearly outlining important ethical and legal issues.
-Take them through the most popular qualitative data collection techniques and support them with their analysis.
-Help them write up their findings and demonstrate how research evidence translates into effective clinical practice.

Supported by helpful hints and tips, case examples and definitions of key terms, this highly practical and accessible guide throws a lifebelt to any students or mental health practitioner learning about the research process for the first time.

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- xx, 572 p.
Cote : WS 350 Y39c 2012

Enfants - Santé mentale ; Soins infirmiers en psychiatrie ; Soins infirmiers en pédiatrie

As an increasing number of children and adolescents with psychiatric symptoms go unrecognized in our current healthcare system, the ability to identify and treat these issues in multiple healthcare settings has become vitally important. With access to primary care providers increasing and a shortage of child psychiatric providers, collaboration between psychiatric, pediatric and family advanced practice nurses is essential to improving care for this vulnerable population. Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health provides a practical reference to aid in this endeavour. Written and reviewed by over 70 nurse experts, it is a must-have reference for all practitioners caring for children and adolescents.

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Cote : WS 350 L264c 2014

Enfants - Développement ; Enfants - Santé mentale ; Enfants - Psychiatrie

Mental health practitioners who work with children are often confronted with complex, difficult-to-treat mental health issues that do not respond to conventional methods of psychotherapy. These children have a web of multiple impairments that are comprised not just of emotional and behavioral issues, but also learning and other cognitive disorders. Children With Multiple Mental Health Challenges presents an innovative, evidence-based approach to understanding and treating this difficult population that integrates the child's development and functioning into diagnosis and treatment. It does not rely on diagnostic categories alone, but explores the functioning of children in several dimensions of development and considers multiple levels of influence.

The book builds on an individualized, integrated approach to present a variety of evidence-based strategies for working with children with multiple challenges. It considers children from preschool age to adolescence with a number of severe difficulties. These may include extreme aggression, oppositional defiant behavior, significant anxiety and depression, cognitive and academic challenges, delays in speech and language, problems with attention and concentration, sensory integration problems, and unresolved trauma. The treatment strategies included can be used by various specialists within the intervention team, as well as by parents and teachers.

Key Features:
-Presents an innovative approach to working with children with multiple disorders, often the most challenging cases for clinicians
-Moves beyond standard "recipes" for treatment planning to encompass developmental (including social and biological factors) and functional aspects of working with children
-Includes case studies as well as detailed treatment plans
-Offers treatment strategies that can be used by the intervention team, teachers and parents.

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- xv, 496 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 105.5.M3 C536 2002

Enfants - Santé mentale ; Adolescents - Santé mentale ; Enfants - Psychiatrie ; Adolescents - Psychiatrie

Ideal for the general practitioner, this practical guide to pediatric mental health explains the various systems involved in children's mental health (i.e. schools, social services, the legal and mental health systems) and addresses common mental health problems seen frequently in practice. Included are chapters on learning disabilities, autism, ADHD, aggression, substance abuse, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and a host of other difficulties. Each chapter is written by a general pediatrician and a child psychiatrist. Blending these perspectives, the authors present a pragmatic and current approach to issues of office evaluation, assessment, and treatment, including pediatric psychopharmacology.

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- 204 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 105.5.M3 L115s 2013

Enfants - Santé mentale ; Adolescents - Services de santé mentale ; Promotion de la santé mentale

Enfin un ouvrage grand public et abondamment documenté qui explique comment préserver et améliorer la santé mentale des jeunes ! Il aborde :

Les ingrédients de base d'une bonne santé mentale : La connaissance de soi et l'adoption de saines habitudes de vie ; le développement d'habiletés parentales et la transmission des valeurs dans l'éducation des enfants ; le suivi médical de la femme enceinte et de l'enfant ; l'implication de l'école dans la promotion de la santé mentale.
Les facteurs de protection de la santé mentale : L'estime de soi ; la communication interpersonnelle ; le développement des habiletés sociales, le soutien social ; développer des aptitudes afin de mieux gérer le stress et l'auto-détermination.
Les facteurs de risque de développer un trouble mental : Les facteurs héréditaires défavorables ; l'impact de la violence familiale ; les comportements d'abus et de négligence ; les agressions sexuelles ; la pauvreté et les inégalités sociales ; ainsi que la stigmatisation et la discrimination ; l'abus d'alcool et de drogues, l'intimidation et la violence dans les relations amoureuses chez les adolescents.

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- xix, 377 p.
Cote : WS 105 G815i 2005

Enfants - Développement ; Enfants - Psychopathologie - Diagnostic ; Enfants - Psychopathologie - Traitement ; Enfants - Santé mentale

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: A Comprehensive Developmental Approach to Assessment and Intervention redefines how we work with infants, young children, and their families when mental health, developmental, or learning problems occur. The authors, who are recognized as the world's foremost authorities on clinical work with emotional and developmental challenges in the early years of life, demonstrate how to use their well-established and documented DIR (Developmental, Individual-Differences, Relationship-Based) model to work with the full range of infant and early childhood challenges. These include interactive problems, such as infants and young children with anxiety disorders, depression, attachment disorders, attentional problems, trauma, and elective mutism; regulatory-sensory processing problems, including infants and young children who are overresponsive and fearful, underresponsive and self-absorbed, sensory craving and overly active and aggressive, as well as those who have difficulty with planning and coordinating action; and neurodevelopmental disorders of relating and communicating, including infants and young children with autism spectrum disorders and other severe developmental challenges. Greenspan and Wieder show how these mental health and developmental challenges can be classified according to each child's unique emotion, cognitive, language, and sensory processing profile. Most importantly, they demonstrate and present their new data on the most effective ways of intervening with these challenges, demonstrating how even children with the most severe mental health and developmental problems can make more progress than formerly thought possible in learning to relate, communicate, and think meaningfully and adaptively. Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health is divided into four parts: * Part I presents the DIR model, including how biology and experience come together at each developmental stage to shape a child's relative mastery of the six core developmental capacities: basic attention and self-regulation; warmth and engagement; two-way, preverbal, purposeful communication and emotional signaling; organization of affective gestures into a continuous flow of problem-solving interactions; the emotional use of ideas in language or in pretend play; and the creation of logical bridges between two or more ideas.* Part II focuses on principles of assessment and intervention. It shows how the DIR approach to assessment and intervention harnesses the contributions of psychodynamic, behavioral, and educational approaches but goes beyond these to create a truly developmental, biopsychosocial approach that can identify and tailor interventions to each infant and/or child and family's unique profile.* Part III uses composite case studies to illustrate the principles of clinical evaluation and intervention to describe assessment and intervention strategies appropriate for different classes of infant and childhood disorders, including interactive disorders, regulatory-sensory processing disorders, and disorders of relating and communicating, such as autism.* Part IV presents a new model of early identification, prevention, and early intervention that can be used in primary health care, educational, mental health, and developmental programs. The model provides guidelines for parents and other caregivers to help infants and young children master and strengthen basic emotional, language, and cognitive capacities. For clinicians, researchers, and educators alike, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health is simply the definitive resource for working with infants, young children, and their families.

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