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Documents Maladies chroniques 5 résultats

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- xx, 648 pages : ill.
Cote : WT 500 C557 2023

Maladies chroniques - Traitement - Guides, manuels, etc. ; Maladies chroniques ; Services de santé - Administration

The second edition of this popular textbook provides a comprehensive overview to chronic illness care, which is the coordinated, comprehensive and sustained response to chronic diseases and conditions by health care providers, formal and informal caregivers, healthcare systems, and community-based resources. This unique resource uses an ecological framework to frame chronic illness care at multiple levels, and includes sections on individual influences, the role of family and community networks, social and environmental determinants, and health policy. The book also orients how chronic care is provided across the spectrum of health care settings, from home to clinic, from the emergency department to the hospital and from hospitals to residential care facilities. The fully revised and expanded edition of Chronic Illness Care describes the operational frameworks and strategies that are needed to meet the care needs of chronically ill patients, including behavioral health, care management, transitions of care, and health information technology. It also addresses the changing workforce needs in health care and the fiscal models and policies that are associated with chronic care. Several new chapters are included in the second edition and reflect the significant changes that have occurred in health care due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chapters covering vaccinations, virtual care, and care of COVID-19 associated chronic conditions have been added. The revised textbook builds on the first editions content that covered providing care to special population groups, such as children and adolescents, older adults, and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, by including care approaches to adults with severe and persistent mental health disorders, the LGBTQ+ community, incarcerated persons, immigrants and refugees, and military veterans. Finally, chapters on important and emerging topics, such as natural language processing and health inequities and structural racism have also been added.

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- 333 p. : ill.
Cote : WT 500 D333 2017

Maladies chroniques - Aspect psychologique ; Maladies graves - Aspect psychologique ; Relations personnel médical-patient ; Résilience (Trait de personnalité) ; Maladies chroniques

Les patients atteints de maladies chroniques graves bénéficient trop peu souvent d'une approche globale, qui mette en lumière leurs ressources et celles de leurs proches. Cet ouvrage aide les soignants à adopter une pratique qui prenne en compte ces dimensions fondamentales.

Comment concilier technicité des soins et prise en considération de l'individu et de ses proches ? Comment aborder la mort en respectant le malade et ses croyances ? Sur qui prendre appui dans cette démarche ? Autant de questions que sont amenés à se poser les professionnels du soin et auxquelles les auteurs de ce livre tentent d'apporter des réponses.

Tout en tenant compte des ressentis du soignant, cet ouvrage réinvestit le « prendre soin » d'une dimension humaine, qui concerne à la fois le malade et son entourage. Cette démarche systémique, multidisciplinaire et collaborative participe à la résilience chez le patient et le soignant tout à la fois. Illustré par de nombreux exemples cliniques, ce livre permet d'aborder dans leur ensemble les questions de souffrance, de perspectives d'avenir et d'impact sur les proches, notamment dans le cas de handicaps sévères, de séjours en réanimation, de maladie touchant les enfants…

Les réflexions développées ici concernent tous les professionnels du soin, qu'ils soient infirmiers, médecins ou psychologues : la lecture enrichira tant leur pratique individuelle que le travail en équipe.

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- 1 ressource en ligne (xvi, 502 pages : ill.)

Maladies chroniques ; Douleur chronique ; Infirmiers en soins palliatifs ; Soins en phase terminale ; Soins centrés sur le patient

With a steadily growing number of patients in the United States experiencing multiple chronic illnesses, palliative care should be integrated into the management of chronic conditions promoting a comprehensive approach to effective symptom management - boosting physical function and improved quality of life. This evolutionary change was prompted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010, which expanded the discussion on patient access and requirements in the palliative care setting. Integration of Palliative Care in Chronic Conditions: An Interdisciplinary Approach will equip multidisciplinary teams with the resources necessary to provide patients and their families with the best possible care and management of multiple chronic conditions. Written in an easily accessible outline format, this comprehensive text explores pharmacologic interventions; advance care planning; and the physiology, symptoms, diagnostics, and interventions of various chronic conditions and malignancies. In addition, case studies highlight approaches to the care of individual patients with varying backgrounds and needs. Emphasizing the importance of selfcare, spiritual and religious support, compassion, goal setting, education, preparation, and communication in all areas of the palliative care realm, this book is an essential resource in guiding healthcare professionals in their mission of providing quality care to patients and their families.

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- xvii, 236 p. : ill.
Cote : WT 500 R628e 2011

Maladies chroniques

Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases assembles in comprehensive form what is known about the role of epigenetics in chronic disease development. This book provides new insights into treatment, including modulation of epigenetic regulation. Each chapter gives an outline of a respective disease, explains why epigenetics may be involved in the disease process and then presents the evidence of how changes in epigenetic status contribute to initiation and progress of the disease. The final chapters look towards future therapeutic treatment, based on manipulation of epigenetic aspects. Written by widely published experts, Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases is a valuable reference tool for clinicians and researchers who investigate and treat chronic diseases, as well as health care personnel, post-doctoral fellows and medical or dental students.

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- xv, 298 p.: ill.
Cote : WT 500 Y12c 2013

Maladies chroniques ; Vieillissement - Aspect physiologique ; Cognition - Aspect physiologique

Chronic Medical Disease and Cognitive Aging: Toward a Healthy Body and Brain explores the important and often overlooked connection between how chronic medical diseases of the body can affect cognitive function and brain health. As population demographics shift to that of an aging population it has become more important to understand and improve cognitive function in late life. Chronic medical diseases often increase the risk of cognitive impairment, and those with cognitive impairment may be less able to effectively manage their medical conditions, suggesting a reciprocal relationship may exist where medical disease impacts cognition that in turn may exacerbate physical health.

Chronic Medical Disease and Cognitive Aging discusses current research on the association between a variety of chronic medical diseases and cognition and, where appropriate, promising interventions or accepted treatment strategies. While a cure for many diseases continues to be elusive, insights garnered from the interplay between diseases of the body and mind may help point the way to novel therapeutic strategies to improve cognitive function in late life.

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