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Documents Soins en phase terminale 22 résultats

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Soins en phase terminale

Nous avons rassemblé de la documentation à propos des soins palliatifs et de l'aide médicale à mourir afin de comprendre et d'accompagner des personnes en fin de vie.

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- xli, 1260 p. : ill.
Cote : WB 310 M294 2020

Soins palliatifs ; Soins palliatifs - Guides, manuels, etc. ; Accompagnement de la fin de la vie ; Soins en phase terminale

Les soins palliatifs demandent de plus en plus de compétences médicales, soignantes, humaines et éthiques, afin d'asseoir leur légitimité dans des domaines de plus en plus pointus de la médecine – réanimation, néonatalogie, cancérologie, gériatrie – ainsi que dans la diversité des prises en charge, y compris au domicile ou en EPHAD.

Dans ce contexte de développement des formations et d'élargissement des champs de compétences de la pratique palliative, cette 5e édition du manuel offre :

• les indispensables connaissances thérapeutiques;
• les outils, à destination des professionnels en vue d'acquérir une compétence clinique pour la rencontre et l'accompagnement humain, psychique et relationnelle de la personne malade;
• une contextualisation de la pratique des soins palliatifs dans leur dimension sociale, sanitaire et politique;
• des jalons pédagogiques pour le développement des soins palliatifs dans leur dimension pédagogique et de recherche.

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- xxi, 1386 p. : ill.
Cote : WB 310 O98 2021

Soins palliatifs ; Soins en phase terminale ; Soins palliatifs - Guides, manuels, etc. ; Soins en phase terminale - Guides, manuels, etc.

This sixth edition of the Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine takes us now into the third decade for this definitive award-winning textbook. It has been rigorously updated to offer a truly global perspective, highlighting the best current evidence-based practices, and collective wisdom from more than 200 experts around the world.

This leading textbook covers all the new and emerging topics, updated and restructured to reflect major developments in the increasingly widespread acceptance of palliative medicine as a fundamental public health need. The sixth edition includes new sections devoted to family and caregiver issues, cardio-respiratory symptoms and disorders, and genitourinary symptoms and disorders. In addition, the multi-disciplinary nature of palliative care is emphasized throughout the textbook, covering areas from ethical and communication issues, the treatment of symptoms, and the management of pain.

The Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine is a truly comprehensive text. No hospital, hospice, palliative care service, or medical library should be without this essential source of information.

This sixth edition of the Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine is dedicated to the memory of Professor Kenneth Fearon husband of Professor Marie Fallon and a surgeon who became a world leader in the research and management of anorexia and cachexia. He modeled a work-life balance that is so critical in our field, with devotion to both his patients and his family.

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- 1 ressource en ligne (xvi, 502 pages : ill.)

Maladies chroniques ; Douleur chronique ; Infirmiers en soins palliatifs ; Soins en phase terminale ; Soins centrés sur le patient

With a steadily growing number of patients in the United States experiencing multiple chronic illnesses, palliative care should be integrated into the management of chronic conditions promoting a comprehensive approach to effective symptom management - boosting physical function and improved quality of life. This evolutionary change was prompted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010, which expanded the discussion on patient access and requirements in the palliative care setting. Integration of Palliative Care in Chronic Conditions: An Interdisciplinary Approach will equip multidisciplinary teams with the resources necessary to provide patients and their families with the best possible care and management of multiple chronic conditions. Written in an easily accessible outline format, this comprehensive text explores pharmacologic interventions; advance care planning; and the physiology, symptoms, diagnostics, and interventions of various chronic conditions and malignancies. In addition, case studies highlight approaches to the care of individual patients with varying backgrounds and needs. Emphasizing the importance of selfcare, spiritual and religious support, compassion, goal setting, education, preparation, and communication in all areas of the palliative care realm, this book is an essential resource in guiding healthcare professionals in their mission of providing quality care to patients and their families.

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- 1 ressource en ligne (xvii, 727 pages : ills, portraits)

Malades dans un état critique ; Soins palliatifs ; Soins en phase terminale

Palliative Care Nursing, Fifth Edition, delivers advanced empirical, aesthetic, ethical and personal knowledge. This new edition brings an increased focus on outcomes, benchmarking progress, and goals of care. It expounds upon the importance of the cross-disciplinary collaboration introduced in the previous edition. Every chapter in Sections I, II, and III includes content written by a non-nursing member of the interprofessional team. Based on best-evidence and clinical practice guidelines, this text presents comprehensive, targeted interventions responsive to the needs of palliative and hospice patients and family. Each chapter contains compassionate, timely, appropriate, and cost-effective care for diverse populations across the illness trajectory. Key Features The expanded new edition offers current, comprehensive, one-stop source of highly-relevant clinical information on palliative care Life-span approach: age-appropriate nursing considerations (e.g. geriatric, pediatric and family) Includes disease-specific and symptom-specific nursing management chapters Promotes a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to palliative care Offers important legal, ethical and cultural considerations related to death and dying Case Studies with Case Study Conclusion in each clinical chapter New to The Fifth Edition: An expanded chapter on Palliative Care incorporates most up to date scope and standards, information on Basic and Advanced HPNA certification, self-reflection and self-care for nurses. A chapter on Interprofessional Collaboration Instructor Resources: Power points and Test bank

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- xiii, 171 p. : ill.
Cote : WY 152.3 S623 2011

Malades en phase terminale - Études de cas ; Soins en phase terminale ; Mort subite

Voici un ouvrage d'un genre nouveau ! En effet, son objectif est d'apprendre à mobiliser des savoirs en situation. C'est pourquoi, les auteurs ont rédigé différentes situations comprenant : La présentation du cas clinique ; Le raisonnement et les interventions infirmières ; * les principaux savoirs mobilisés. Ces situations donnent à découvrir une infirmière experte, qui mobilise des savoirs et agit en fonction de diverses situations. Dans cette collection Situations de soins, vous êtes " dans la tête de cette infirmière experte ". Ce volume aborde tout particulièrement les situations de fin de vie et de décès ; celles-ci sont considérées dans un sens large et dans différents milieux de soins. À travers l'étude de différentes situations (mort subite d'un nourrisson, suicide d'un adolescent, mort cérébrale d'une adolescente, fin de vie de deux adultes et d'une personne âgée), vous apprendrez, entre autres, comment les infirmiers (-ères) : Mobilisent leurs connaissances pour agir-réagir en situation ; Prennent des décisions en matière de promotion de la santé et de prévention ; Établissent des priorités dans des situations complexes ; Gèrent l'incertitude ; Intègrent la famille et l'entourage dans leurs interventions. En mobilisant vos connaissances, vous apprendrez à : Poser un jugement clinique sur la situation ; Prendre des décisions en matière de soins ; Agir en tant que professionnel. Ainsi, vous allez développer une vraie pensée infirmière et vous deviendrez alors un professionnel des plus compétents.

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- xviii, 624 p. : ill.
Cote : WY 152.3 A244 2016

Soins en phase terminale ; Soins infirmiers

Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing is the first text devoted to advanced practice nursing care of the seriously ill and dying. This comprehensive work addresses all aspects of palliative care including physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs. Chapters include: symptoms common in serious illness, pediatric palliative care, spiritual and existential issues, issues around the role and function of the advanced practice nurse (APN), reimbursement, and nursing leadership on palliative care teams. Each chapter contains case examples and a strong evidence base to support the highest quality of care. The text is written by leaders in the field and includes authors who have pioneered the role of the advanced practice nurse in palliative care. This volume offers advanced practice content and practical resources for clinical practice across all settings of care and encompassing all ages, from pediatrics to geriatrics.

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Cote : WB 310 D728d DVD 2016
Conférence du 28 avril 2016
Public cible : Personnel médical

Soins en phase terminale ; Éthique médicale ; Aide médicale à mourir

Objectifs de la présentation : Que les soignants soient plus sensibles à développer des approches en vue de favoriser le bien agir soignant dans un contexte de désaccord.

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- xxx, 430 p. : ill.
Cote : WT 100 G369 2003

Soins palliatifs ; Soins en phase terminale ; Personnes âgées - Soins ; Gériatrie

Geriatric Palliative Care covers a broad spectrum of issues characterizing care near the end of life for older adults. Beginning with the social and cultural context of old age and frailty, this volume details specific aspects of palliative care relevant to particular disorders (e.g. cancer, strokes, dementia, etc.) as well as individual symptoms (e.g., pain, fatigue, anxiety, etc.). Communication between care-givers and patients, in a variety of settings, is also discussed. The theme of this book is that palliative care is the best approach to the care of chronically ill and frail elderly because of its focus on: quality of life; support for functional independence; and the centrality of the patient's values and experiences in determining the goals of medical care. Indeed, Geriatric Palliative Care provides a comprehensive medical reference for all clinicians who care for older adults.

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