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Documents Rhumatologie 6 résultats

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- 1 ressource en ligne : illustrations

Rhumatisme ; Rhumatologie ; Articulations - Maladies ; Arthrite ; Collagénoses ; Lupus érythémateux disséminé

With its comprehensive, global coverage of all aspects of diagnosis, screening, and treatment in both adults and children, Firestein & Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology remains your reference of choice in this evolving field. The fully revised 12th Edition retains the user-friendly, full color format, providing in-depth guidance in rheumatology with an ideal balance of basic science and clinical application. New editors, new chapters, and new illustrations keep you fully up to date on recent advances in genetics and the microbiome, current therapies, and other rapid changes in the field.

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- xv, 399 pages
Cote : WL 704.6 P895 2020

Douleur chronique - Traitement ; Anesthésiologie ; Rhumatologie

This book focuses on both the management of the pain as well as the pain patient and is formatted as a practical, evidence-based guide to managing chronic pain conditions. It meets the market need for a reference that aides physicians in understanding and improving chronic pain in their patients. Organized across 46 chapters, the book begins with an introduction on chronic pain evaluation, and specifically stresses the importance of complete patient evaluation including social and psychological evaluation. Subsequent chapters then start with an evaluation, medical and interventional options available, how and when to move from one option to another and the level of evidence offered for each intervention. These unique chapter elements provide the reader with a case-based approach to managing their patients. Additionally, a brief discussion of epidemiology and pathophysiology of the disease process is included and the technical aspects of interventional techniques are reviewed. Edited by a leader in the field with international contributing authors across pain medicine, Practical Chronic Pain Management this book is written primarily for anesthesiologists, pain specialists, rheumatologists, and primary care physicians.

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- 1 ressource en ligne (174 p.)
Sous-titre : Cas cliniques ECN

Rhumatologie ; Endocrinologie

Dossier pour préparer l'ECN en rhumatologie et endocrinologie, avec des conseils pratiques, la grille de points, des explications complémentaires, des références actualisées et la cotation des cas cliniques par difficulté.

Adresse web : Accéder au texte intégral

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- xvii, 309 p. : ill.
Cote : WE 544 L765 2012

Rhumatologie ; Soins de santé primaires ; Rhumatisme - Diagnostic ; Rhumatisme - Traitement ; Soins de santé primaires - Méthodologie

This volume of Lippincott's Primary Care Series will help family practitioners, internists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants understand, diagnose, and treat the most common rheumatologic problems seen in the primary care setting. Emphasis on day-to-day practical outpatient office practice distinguishes this from the many existing rheumatology textbooks and it contains numerous images to aid in diagnosis and treatment. Whenever possible, chapters follow a consistent format with headings of Clinical Presentation, Examination, Studies, Treatment, Clinical Course, and Conclusions and box elements such as Introductory Case, Clinical Points/Highlights, Patient Assessment, Not to Be Missed, and When to Refer. Key points are provided for those topics that don't fit this format.

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- 356 p. : ill.
Cote : WE 141 T789e 2014

Appareil locomoteur - Maladies - Diagnostic ; Articulations - Maladies - Diagnostic ; Articulations - Examen ; Rhumatologie

Conçu pour s'adresser à la fois aux étudiants et aux praticiens établis, ce manuel unique offre une vision intégrée de la démarche d'examen physique musculosquelettique. Pour chaque groupe articulaire, pour tous les types de symptômes, l'anamnèse comme les techniques et les manœuvres diagnostiques sont décrites en détail, avec l'appui de nombreuses illustrations et photographies. L'examen neurologique, les analyses de laboratoire ainsi que les méthodes de ponction et d'infiltration articulaire sont aussi évoqués, et une très large place est faite à la description systématique des principales maladies rhumatismales.

Planches anatomiques détaillées • Pathologies et manœuvres illustrées • Algorithmes diagnostiques • Vignettes cliniques complètes • Fiches d'exercices simples à proposer aux patients.

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