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- 321 pages
Cote : QU 248 S919d 2023

Obésité - Aspect psychologique ; Régimes amaigrissants ; Perte de poids ; Régimes alimentaires ; Diétothérapie ; Maladies de la nutrition

Why do so many people become overweight and obese and why do they find it so difficult to lose weight? In this second edition of his influential book on Dieting, Overweight and Obesity, Wolfgang Stroebe - who developed the goal conflict model of eating behavior - explores the physiological, environmental and psychological influence on weight gain and examines how these processes are affected by genetic factors. Like the first edition, the book takes a social-cognitive approach to weight regulation and discusses how exposure to environmental cues can set-off overeating in chronic dieters. In addition to extensively revising and updating the chapters of the first edition, this second edition features three new chapters. The chapter on successful restrained eating reviews personality factors as well as recent experimental research on impulse control. The chapters on psychological treatment of obesity and on primary prevention describe and evaluate the various treatment and prevention approaches and the research conducted to assess their efficacy. This book is essential reading for students, researchers and clinicians interested in an up-todate review of the field of eating research and a new theoretical approach to the study of overweight and obesity.

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- 342 p.
Cote : BF 575 B687d 2007

Habitudes sanitaires ; Obésité ; Perte de poids ; Alimentation ; Gestion du stress ; Motivation d'accomplissement

Destination plaisir et mieux-être est un guide pratique et stimulant pour toute personne qui vise l'atteinte de bonnes habitudes dans sa vie de tous les jours. Grâce à ce livre, vous pourrez faire des choix éclairés en matière de santé. En effet, l'auteure présente ici de nombreux outils, simples et efficaces, qui vous donneront l'occasion de mieux comprendre les notions de base d'une saine qualité de vie en ce qui concerne l'alimentation, les exercices physiques, la relaxation, le plaisir et le rire. Prendre de bonnes habitudes de vie est, selon Line Bolduc, le plus beau cadeau que l'on puisse se faire. Elle en fait la preuve dans cet ouvrage riche d'informations.

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- vi, 122 p.
Cote : WD 210 P927 2006

Obésité - Chirurgie ; Perte de poids

Obesity has quickly become an epidemic. People suffering from significant overweight often have to contend with a lifetime of comorbidities, social stigma, and lower quality of life. Recently, more and more people are undergoing weight loss surgery as a way to resolve these issues. If you are working with pre or post-operative bariatric surgery patients, your goal is to teach them the skills they need to ensure themselves a successful surgical outcome. After surgery, patients are required to adhere to a strict diet and the very specific recommendations of their surgical "team". Without a high level of commitment from the patient to follow these recommendations, the potential for maintained weight loss after surgery is very limited. Preparing for Your Weight Loss Surgery, Therapist Guide contains a series of scientifically tested cognitive-behavioural techniques to help you prepare your patient for the post-operative challenges of creating radically changed eating and lifestyle habits. It provides instructions for teaching your patient basic problem-solving and cognitive restructuring methods that will change their negative thoughts and attitudes about food.Interactive forms including food records and checklists, body image journals, and homework assignments found in the corresponding patient workbook round out this comprehensive treatment package.

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