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Documents Cerveau - Croissance 5 résultats

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Cote : WM 460 V772c DVD 2014

Neurosciences ; Cerveau - Croissance

Jean-Didier Vincent, avec sa verve et son humour habituel, nous propose un survol des avancées des dernières années sur le développement du cerveau, mais également une certaine réflexion sur l'ensemble des neurosciences. Il parle évidemment du cerveau comme d'un chef d'œuvre qu'on ne sent pas, mais qui dirige tout. Il appuie son propos en recourant notamment à des notions d'embryologie et d'anthropologie, soulignant au passage le fait que la synthèse darwinienne n'explique pas tout. Puis, tour à tour, il aborde des notions qui ont marqué la recherche au cours des dernières années : l'épigénèse, la plasticité neuronale, la régénération cellulaire. Pour illustrer ses dires, il prend l'exemple étonnant mais éloquent de l'olfaction. Pour le professeur Vincent, même si le cerveau est une éprouve du corps, l'affect est primordial et les émotions précèdent la pensée.

Un brin provocateur, il termine en émettant l'opinion qu'avec une vision fragmentaire et factorielle, sans véritable théorie, les neurosciences sont quasi aveugles et bien des chantiers doivent encore être mis en route.

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- xvii, 358 p.
Cote : WS 340 J51t 2015

Psychobiologie du développement ; Neurologie du développement ; Adolescents - Psychologie ; Cerveau - Croissance

Dr. Frances E. Jensen is chair of the department of neurology in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and an internationally known expert in neurology and the teenage brain. As a mother, teacher, researcher, clinician and frequent lecturer to parents and teens, she is in a unique position to explain to readers the mystery and magic of the teen brain. In The Teenage Brain, Dr. Jensen will bring to readers the new, sometimes astonishing findings that remain buried in academic journals. Along the way, she will explore a few myths about adolescent behaviour and offer pointers and practical suggestions on how to negotiate this difficult and dynamic life stage for parents, teachers and even teens themselves.
The Teenage Brain is one of the first books to focus exclusively on the mind development of adolescents and will dispel the many widespread misunderstandings about teenage brains. Samples of some of the most recent findings that will be discussed in the book include:
-Teens are better learners than adults because their brain cells more readily "build" memories than adults. But this special gift has a downside: their heightened adaptability can be hijacked by addiction, and the adolescent brain can become addicted more strongly and for a longer duration than the adult brain.
-Venus and Mars really emerge in adolescence. In fact, studies show that girls' brains are a full two years more mature than boys' brains in the mid-teens, possibly explaining differences seen in the classroom, as well as in their social behaviour.
-Contrary to popular opinion, adolescents may not be as resilient to the effects of drugs as we think they are. Recent experimental and human studies show that occasional use of marijuana, for instance, can cause lingering memory problems, even days after smoking, and that long-term use of pot impacts later adulthood IQ.
-Multi-tasking causes divided attention and has been shown to reduce learning ability in the teenage brain. Multi-tasking also has some addictive qualities, which may result in habitual short attention in teenagers.
-Emotionally stressful situations may impact the adolescent more than the adult: stress in these years can have permanent effects on mental health and has been reported to lead to higher risk of developing certain neuropsychiatric disorders, such as depression.

The book will present hard data intermingled with accessible and relatable anecdotes drawn from Dr. Jensen's experiences as a parent, clinician and public speaker. Finally, The Teenage Brain will offer practical suggestions for how parents, teens, schools and even the legal system can better deal with adolescents on their journey into adulthood.

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Cote : WS 340 J58a 2012

Neurophysiologie ; Adolescence ; Cerveau - Croissance

This comprehensive yet brief overview of the adolescent human brain discusses how the brain develops during this critical period of life and how that development impacts decision-making and risk-taking behavior in the adolescent.

• This originated as a white paper requested by the Canadian government for a specific group looking to understand adolescent brain development in the context of adolescent behaviour
• The paper was not made available to the Canadian government outside of the specific task force that requested it nor to the general public

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- x, 514 p.
Cote : WS 460 A239 2007

Adolescents - Psychopathologie ; Cerveau - Croissance ; Neurologie du développement

Recent advances in our understanding of the human brain suggest that adolescence is a unique period of development during which both environmental and genetic influences can leave a lasting impression. To advance the goal of integrating brain and prevention science, two areas of research which do not usually communicate with one another, the Annenberg Public Policy Center's Adolescent Risk Communication Institute held a conference with the purpose of producing an integrated volume on this interdisciplinary area. Presenters/chapter contributors were asked to address two questions: What neurodevelopmental processes in children and adolescents could be altered so that mental disorders might be prevented? And what interventions or life experiences might be able to introduce such changes? The book has a 5-part structure: biological and social universals in development; characteristics of brain and behavior in development; effects of early maltreatment and stress on brain development; effects of stress and other environmental influences during adolescence on brain development; and reversible orders of brain development. The twenty chapters include contributions from some of the most well-known researchers in the area.

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