
Date de publication

Documents Petersen, Robert O. 1 résultats

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- x, 636 p. : ill.
Cote : WJ 140 P484u 2009

Appareil urogénital - Maladies

Featuring over 600 full-color illustrations, the Third Edition of this definitive reference provides comprehensive, current, and authoritative coverage of the entire spectrum of urologic surgical pathology. The book emphasizes diagnostic morphology and includes clinical-pathologic correlations.

This thoroughly updated edition clarifies histologic variants of prognostic value in urinary bladder cancers and prostate carcinomas and identifies tumor markers useful in both diagnosis and post-therapy management of cancer patients. Also included are current diagnostic criteria for urothelial carcinomas, the latest TNM staging of urogenital organ malignancies, and up-to-date renal tumor classifications, including cytogenetic, immunohistochemical, and morphologic correlations.

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