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Documents Troubles somatoformes 8 résultats

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- 200 p.
Cote : WM 170 T567d 2006

Dysmorphophobie ; Troubles somatoformes

On peut souffrir d'un défaut physique réel, en être gêné, mais vivre avec. On peut aussi recourir à la chirurgie esthétique et s'en débarrasser. Mais quand on est obsédé par un défaut qui n'existe pas, un défaut que personne d'autre ne voit et qui empêche de vivre, quelles sont les solutions ? Ce type de préoccupation pathologique pour un défaut imaginaire conduit tous les ans des milliers de femmes, mais aussi d'hommes, à consulter et à multiplier des traitements médicaux ou chirurgicaux parfaitement inefficaces puisque sans objet...

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- viii, 258 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 170 M489 2011

Troubles somatoformes ; Médecine psychosomatique ; Névroses

Medically unexplained symptoms and somatisation are the fifth most common reason for visits to doctors in the USA, and form one of the most expensive diagnostic categories in Europe. The range of disorders involved includes irritable bowel syndrome, chronic widespread pain and chronic fatigue syndrome. This book reviews the current literature, clarifies and disseminates clear information about the size and scope of the problem, and discusses current and future national and international guidelines. It also identifies barriers to progress and makes evidence-based recommendations for the management of medically unexplained symptoms and somatisation. Written and edited by leading experts in the field, this authoritative text defines international best practice and is an important resource for psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, primary care doctors and those responsible for establishing health policy.

• Provides guidance about management of medically unexplained symptoms, filling the gap between theoretical insights and practical implementation
• Based on an initiative of a working group of the European Association of Consultation Liaison Psychiatrists and Psychosomatics, drawing together international expert knowledge

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- xxvii, 178 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 170 D582s 2009

Troubles somatoformes ; Médecine psychosomatique

Sometimes described as the nemesis of the primary care physician, somatoform disorders are frustrating, expensive to treat, and under-investigated. Somatic Presentations of Mental Disorders provides a fascinating and practical review of the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of this category of disease. Somatic Presentations of Mental Disorders summarizes the proceedings of a unique international conference that convened experts from across disciplines to review perspectives on somatoform disorders. Organized with the practitioner in mind, the book surveys the latest research on phenomenology; etiology and clinical course; and treatment options. Unlike other literature on the topic, Somatic Presentations of Mental Disorders explores the entire range of this category of disorders, including conversion disorder, chronic pain and fatigue, and the multitude of presentations of medically unexplained symptoms. The contributions of international experts provide unique insights into cultural factors affecting the presentation and treatment of somatic disorders globally. In addition to providing an invaluable reference for clinicians in many disciplines, the book identifies specific gaps in the research literature, and addresses issues of nosology in advance of the publication of DSM-V. Comprehensive, thoughtful, and up-to-date, Somatic Presentations of Mental Disorders is a must-read for clinicians with somatizing patients.

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Cote : WM 90 T859 VC 2004
Public cible : Élèves et enseignants de niveau secondaire et collégial - Intra muros

Troubles somatoformes ; Médecine psychosomatique

Nous somatisons tous à divers degrés. Ainsi, notre corps exprime parfois les tensions vécues par des manifestations physiques. Mais lorsque le processus de somatisation agit de façon excessive et entrave la vie personnelle, professionnelle et sociale, on parle alors de troubles somatoformes. Et les malaises ressentis sont inexpliqués par la médecine, ce qui entraîne beaucoup d'incompréhension dans l'entourage de la personne atteinte. Andréanne, cinq ans, a développé une peur de l'école telle qu'elle s'en est rendue malade: fièvre, vomissements, insomnie...
Quatre formes de troubles somatoformes sont abordées dans ce documentaire : la somatisation, la conversion, l'hypocondrie et la dysmorphophobie, qui est la peur d'un défaut corporel, un malaise qui touche particulièrement les adolescent(e)s.
Il ne s'agit pas de maladies imaginaires. Les personnes atteintes ne simulent pas, elles souffrent réellement. Souvent, il s'agit d'un mécanisme de défense face à des émotions qu'on ne peut exprimer ou qu'on n'arrive pas à surmonter. La génétique et l'environnement auraient un rôle à jouer dans ces troubles.

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- xi, 265 p.
Cote : WM 178 P643a 1997

Troubles somatoformes ; Hypocondrie ; Relations psychothérapeutiques

This book addresses the problem of the widespread misunderstanding and confusion in the medical profession about patients with abnormal illness behavior. It provides a general introduction to the early recognition and management of abnormal illness behavior and offers medical, nursing, and mental health care professionals the skills to identity abnormal illness behavior in their patients, provide appropriate psychological care and recognize when to recommend specialist psychiatric help.

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- x, 243 p.
Cote : WM 173.6 N666s 2004

Troubles dissociatifs ; Troubles somatoformes

Expanding the definition of dissociation in psychiatry, Nijenhuis presents a summary of the somatoform components of dissociation-how sensory and motor functions are affected by dissociative disorders. Founded in the current view of mind-body integration, this book is essential reading for all mental health professionals engaged in the diagnosis, treatment, and study of dissociative disorders, PTSD, and other trauma-related psychiatric disorders.

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- xii, 254 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 170 S693 2004

Troubles somatoformes ; Médecine psychosomatique ; Psychiatrie médico-légale ; Hystérie

People with somatoform disorder (which used to be known as hysteria) present with a range of symptoms that typically last for years and can't be traced to a specific physical cause. Such symptoms may include frequent headaches; back pain; abdominal cramping and pelvic pain; pain in the joints, legs and arms; chest or abdominal pain, and gastrointestinal problems. This book is an in-depth, clinically orientated review of the somatoform disorders and related clinical presentations (such as chronic fatigue syndrome) and how they present in a medico-legal setting. It is aimed at both clinicians and lawyers who deal with injury claims where these disorders impact much more frequently than is generally recognised.

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- xiii, 230 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 90 C976 1991

Médecine psychosomatique ; Somatisation ; Troubles somatoformes

Somatization is an area of major concern to clinicians who are confronted with diagnostic problems that combine both medical-biological and sociopsychological factors. Current Concepts of Somatization: Research and Clinical Perspectives reviews the most up-to-date literature on somatization, examines the actual classification of these disorders in DSM-III-R, makes recommendations regarding treatment, and points the way to future research.

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