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Documents Neuropsychiatrie - Méthodologie 2 résultats

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- xvi, 369 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 460 N876n 2011

Psychanalyse ; Tests neuropsychologiques ; Neuropsychiatrie - Méthodologie ; Conscience

Is the Ego nothing but our brain? Are our mental and psychological states nothing but neuronal states of our brain? Though Sigmund Freud rejected a neuroscientific foundation for psychoanalysis, recent knowledge in neuroscience has provided novel insights into the brain and its neuronal mechanisms. This has also shed light on how the brain itself contributes to the differentiation between neuronal and psychological states.

In Neuropsychoanalysis in Practice , Georg Northoff discusses the various neuronal mechanisms that may enable the transformation of neuronal into psychological states, looking at how these processes are altered in psychiatric disorders like depression and schizophrenia. He focuses specifically on how the brain is organized and how this organization enables the brain to differentiate between neuronal and psychodynamic states, that is, the brain and the psyche. This leads him to discuss not only empirical issues but also conceptual problems, for instance, the concept of the brain. Neuropsychoanalysis in Practice applies these concepts and mechanisms to explain the various symptoms observed in psychiatric disorders such as depression and schizophrenia. In addition to the empirical issues, he also discusses various conceptual and methodological issues that are relevant in linking neuroscience and psychoanalysis, developing a novel transdisciplinary framework for linking neuroscience, psychoanalysis and philosophy.

This highly original new book will help foster new dialogues between neuroscience, psychoanalysis, and philosophy, and will be fascinating reading for anyone in these disciplines.

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- xxv, [8] p. de pl., 561 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 354 M266 2013

Cerveau - Lésions et blessures - Traitement ; Neuropsychiatrie - Méthodologie ; Adaptation (Psychologie)

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a public health issue of worldwide proportions, affecting motorists, victims of interpersonal violence, athletes, military service members, and Veterans, among others. Management of Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury provides evidence-informed guidance on the core topics in brain injury medicine, including the epidemiology and pathophysiology of TBI, the medical evaluation and neuropsychological assessment of persons with TBI, and the common cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and other neurological disturbances for which persons with TBI and their families seek clinical care.

The volume offers many useful features to its readers, including:

Chapters written by an internationally known group of editors and contributors offering cutting-edge, multidisciplinary perspectives in brain injury medicine.
Guidance on the identification and management of early and late postinjury neuropsychiatric disturbances as well as their psychological and psychosocial consequences.
Identification of special issues relevant to the evaluation and treatment of TBI and postconcussive symptoms among military service members, and Veterans.
Discussion of the ethics and methods of forensic assessment of persons with TBI.
Key Clinical Points that highlight concepts, assessment issues, and clinical management strategies in each chapter.
A wealth of tables and figures to enhance the accessibility and clinical utility of the book, as well as appendices of additional readings and relevant websites for persons and families affected by TBI and the clinicians providing their care.
Impressive breadth and depth of coverage, logical structure, clinically rich detail, and concise presentation make Management of Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury a must-read for every physician, nurse, and mental health practitioner working to improve the lives of persons with TBI.

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