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Documents Cabaniss, Deborah L. 2 résultats

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- xiii, 379 p.
Cote : WM 420 C112p 2011

Psychothérapie dynamique ; Psychiothérapie - Méthodologie ; Psychanalyse

This book offers a practical, step-by-step guide to the technique of psychodynamic psychotherapy, with instruction on listening, reflecting, and intervening. It will systematically take the reader from evaluation to termination using straightforward language and carefully annotated examples. Written by experienced educators and based on a tried and tested syllabus, this book provides clinically relevant and accessible aspects of theories of treatment processes. The workbook style exercises in this book allow readers to practice what they learn in each section and more “actively” learn as they read the book.

This book will teach you:

• About psychodynamic psychotherapy and some of the ways it is hypothesized to work
• How to evaluate patients for psychodynamic psychotherapy, including assessment of ego function and defenses
• The essentials for beginning the treatment, including fostering the therapeutic alliance, setting the frame, and setting goals
• A systematic way for listening to patients, reflecting on what you've heard, and making choices about how and what to say
• How to apply the Listen/Reflect/Intervene method to the essential elements of psychodynamic technique
• How these techniques are used to address problems with self-esteem, relationships with others, characteristic ways of adapting, and other ego functions
• Ways in which technique shifts over time

This book presents complex concepts in a clear way that will be approachable for all readers. It is an invaluable guide for psychiatry residents, psychology students, and social work students, but also offers practicing clinicians in these areas a new way to think about psychodynamic psychotherapy. The practical approach and guided exercises make this an exceptional tool for psychotherapy educators teaching all levels of learners.

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- xii, 262 p.
Cote : WM 141 C112p 2013
1. What is a psychodynamic formulation? -- 2. How do we use psychodynamic formulations? -- 3. How do we construct a psychodynamic
formulation? -- 4. Self -- 5. Relationships -- 6. Adapting -- 7. Cognition -- 8. Work
and play -- 9. What we're born with : genetics and prenatal development --
10. The earliest years -- 11. Middle childhood -- 12. Later childhood, adolescence, and adulthood -- 13. Trauma -- 14. Early cognitive and emotional
difficulties -- 15. Conflict and defense -- 16. Relationships with others --
17. The development of the self -- 18. Attachment -- 19. Psychodynamic formulation in acute care settings -- 20. Psychodynamic formulation in
psychopharmacologic treatment -- 21. Psychodynamic formulation in long-term
psychodynamic psychotherapy : revising over time -- 22. Sharing formulations with our patients. -- Epilogue -- Appendix How to use Psychodynamic formulation : a guide for educators -- Recommended reading -- Index.[-]
1. What is a psychodynamic formulation? -- 2. How do we use psychodynamic formulations? -- 3. How do we construct a psychodynamic
formulation? -- 4. Self -- 5. Relationships -- 6. Adapting -- 7. Cognition -- 8. Work
and play -- 9. What we're born with : genetics and prenatal development --
10. The earliest years -- 11. Middle childhood -- 12. Later childhood, adolescence, and adulthood -- 13. Trauma -- 14. Early cognitive and emotional ...[+]

Maladies mentales - Diagnostic ; Psychothérapie dynamique - Méthodologie ; Plans de soins

How do our patients come to be the way they are?
What forces shape their conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings?
How can we use this information to best help them?

Constructing psychodynamic formulations is one of the best ways for mental health professionals to answer questions like these. It can help clinicians in all mental health setting understand their patients, set treatment goals, choose therapeutic strategies, construct meaningful interventions and conduct treatment.

Despite the centrality of psychodynamic formulation to our work with patients, few students are taught how to construct them in a clear systematic way. This book offers students and practitioners from all fields of mental health a clear, practical, operationalized method for constructing psychodynamic formulations, with an emphasis on the following steps:

DESCRIBING problems and patterns
REVIEWING the developmental history
LINKING problems and patterns to history using organizing ideas about development.

The unique, up-to-date perspective of this book integrates psychodynamic theories with ideas about the role of genetics, trauma, and early cognitive and emotional difficulties on development to help clinicians develop effective formulations.

Psychodynamic Formulation is written in the same clear, concise style of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Clinical Manual (Wiley 2011). It is reader friendly, full of useful examples, eminently practical, suitable for either classroom or individual use, and applicable for all mental health professionals. It can stand alone or be used as a companion volume to the Clinical Manual.

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