- ix, 169 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 342 N494 2013
Céphalée ; Comorbidité ; Migraine
Whilst the vast majority of headaches are minor ailments, some patients develop chronic symptoms that have psychiatric dimensions. These symptoms can be immensely challenging to manage and can have a serious impact on the patient's quality of life. The relationship between headache and psychiatric disease is often rationalized as cause and effect; however, the interplay between the two is complex. Management of each of the co-morbid disorders affects the other one in positive and/or negative ways. The Neuropsychiatry of Headache details the current concepts of various headache conditions and the psychiatric syndromes; topics covered include migraine, mood disorders, medication overuse and personality disorders. Headache specialists, neurologists, psychiatrists, neuropsychiatrists and neuropsychologists will find this an invaluable resource for understanding and co-managing these conditions.
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