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Documents Wright, Barry (John Barry Debenham) 2 résultats

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- x, 333 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 203.5 W722v.F 2010
Trad. de: How to live with autism and Asperger syndrome

Syndrome d'Asperger - Ouvrages de vulgarisation ; Autisme infantile

Tout en abordant les aspects les plus problématiques du développement des enfants atteints d'un trouble du spectre de l'autisme, les auteurs proposent aux parents et aux éducateurs des outils et des stratégies permettant d'agir de la manière la plus efficace possible lorsque des situations-problèmes se présentent.

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- xi, 265 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 40 W947o 2010

Psychiatrie - Études de cas ; Psychiatrie - Problèmes et exercices ; Maladies mentales - Méthode des cas

The 100 Cases series books are a popular learning and revision tool that work by guiding the reader through each clinical case in a highly structured manner. Each scenario provides details of the patient's medical history and the key findings of a clinical examination, together with initial investigation results data for evaluation. Key questions then prompt the reader to evaluate the patient, and reach a decision regarding their condition and the possible treatment plan; while the answer pages reveal the processes a clinician goes through in such situations.

The volumes are designed with the student in mind, and include features to aid self-directed learning, clinical reasoning and problem-solving. The format is suitable for general self-assessment as part of exam revision, for swotting up before psychiatry OSCEs, and for junior doctors about to start a rotation in the psychiatry ward. 100 Cases are particularly relevant for students on problem-based learning courses.

100 Cases in Psychiatry covers a wide range of topics such as phobias, bereavement, and paranoia, across the following subject areas: Adult Psychiatry, Older People, Forensic Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Learning Disability Psychiatry.

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