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Documents Kluwer academic/Plenum Publishers 6 résultats

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- xiv, 290 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 385 J27n 2001

Épilepsie chez l'enfant ; Neuropsychologie clinique ; Neurologie pédiatrique ; Neurologie du développement

This book is devoted to the neuropsychological description of childhood epilepsy, a neurolo- cal condition that constitutes one of the most prevalent forms of chronic and disabling childhood illnesses. Indeed, one child out of 20 experiences one or more seizures before the age of 5, and one in a hundred develops epilepsy as a chronic disorder. Approximately half of these children with epilepsy display academic difficulties and/or behavioral disorders. Moreoever, it is now believed that a sizable proportion of children with learning disability suffer from undiagnosed epilepsy. While a great number of textbooks have been devoted to various medical aspects of chi- hood epilepsy (diagnosis, genetics, etiology, drug and surgical treatment, etc.), there have been no comprehensive accounts of the cognitive consequences of this condition. Advance of medical knowledge has shown that childhood epilepsy should not be considered as a single disorder but encompasses a whole range of different conditions that exhibit specific clinical EEG and outcome characteristics. It is not becoming apparent that these various clinical entities have different cognitive expression that yet need to be specified. The purpose of this book is to provide a complete up-to-date analysis of this multi-faceted pathology.

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- xvii, 589 p.
Cote : BF 121 R551t 2004


Seventy years after his death, the visionary work of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-1934) continues to have a profound impact on psychology, sociology, education, adn other varied disciplines. The Essential Vygotsky selects the most signitficant writings from all phases of his work, and material from all six volumes of his Collected Works, so that readers can introduce themselves to the pioneering concepts developed by this influential russian therapist, scholar, and cultural theorist, including : the cultural-historical approach, the role of language in creating the mind, the development of memory and perception, defectology (abnormal psychology/learning disabilities/special education), the zone of proximal development. Each section features an insightful introduction exploring relevant aspects of Vygotsky's life and illuminating the revolutionary historical context in which these writing were conceived. together, they reflect the studies he was conducting at the time of his death and the path-breaking clinical observations that made his reputation.

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- xvi, 349 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 350.8.H9 A534a 2001

Trouble déficitaire de l'attention

Over the past two decades, the assessment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) has evolved into a sophisticated balance of science and clinical judgement essential for arriving at reliable and valid diagnostic de- sions. Because of the precarious mix of clinical and empirical skill needed to evaluate children with this disorder, diagnostic practice in this area has been found wanting by many critics. In fact, a 1998 National Institutes of Health consensus panel concluded that "existing diagnostic treatment practices ... point to the need for improved awareness by the health service sector conce- ing an appropriate assessment, treatment, and follow-up. A more consistent set of diagnostic procedures and practice guidelines is of utmost importance" (p. 21). Drs. Arthur D. Anastopoulos and Terri L. Shelton have designed a book that addresses this need. A number of themes are highlighted throughout the text. Perhaps the most important is that the assessment guidelines set forth in this book represent a balance between science and practice. The authors account for the realities of clinical practice in an age of managed care while challenging clinicians to heed the lessons of empirical research. Although the use of empirically based asse- ment procedures may at times fly in the face of cost constraints (e. g. , systematic evaluation of medication effects), the authors present a strong argument for them. Further, they call upon their vast clinical experience to provide concrete suggestions for translating research findings into effective evaluations.

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- xx, 241 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 203.5 S373r 2001

Enfants autistes - Réadaptation ; Autisme - Traitement ; Autisme ; Autisme infantile

As the pastPresident ofthe Israel Society forAutism, it gives me great pleasure to c- gratulate Professor Schopler and his colleagues on the publication of their new book concerning the relationship between scientific research and treatment. When we in Israel began our specifically structured education program for young children with autism, our work was based on slim to scarceknow-how andinformation, and with no experience whatsoever. Whatever information we could gather was mostly from psychological educational centers in the U.S. One of the most important and significant connections was established between the TEACCH program of North Carolina, led and conducted by the two important scholars, Professor Eric Schopler and Professor Lee Marcus, and our Israel Society for Autism. During our many encounters, seminars, and conferences, we profited enormously from all their accumulated expertise and scientific research, while perhaps it was also an important experience for them to see how a young society with very limited means was eventually shaping its educational program and arriving at some excellent results. We, ofcourse, have the highest esteem for Governor Hunt who has been following this program with so much attention and support, and we still remember his visit to Israel with distinguished representatives of the TEACCH Program. I wish the new book every success. I know it will be an enormous contribution to all those who must cope with a difficult and painful issue―autism―for whom there is no end to the need for research and continuously improving methods of care and education.

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- xi, 130 p.
Cote : WM 203.5 M578u 2001

Syndrome d'Asperger ; Autisme ; Enfants autistes ; Tests psychologiques ; Thérapie de comportement ; Diagnostics différentiels ; Adaptation sociale

This volume is designed to provide an overview of Asperger's Syndrome/High Functioning Autism for professionals, parents, and others concerned about these conditions. It is part of the library series that has been created for the many people interested in the field of autism spectrum disorders who want up-to-date, authoritative infor- tion without having to locate and read through the original sources. Our goal in this series is to review, synthesize, and organize the inf- mation so that it can be presented comprehensively and clearly. This volume is the culmination of over a decade of clinical work identifying, organizing, writing, and editing the most current infor- tion available about this high functioning group of people with autism spectrum disorders from current reputable sources. The book explores the history and emphasizes the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of these people and their families. We hope that we have done justice to this extensive literature so that it can be of use to these people th- selves as well as to their many friends, colleagues, and families, and to the interested citizens who are seeking more information about this intriguing area of inquiry.

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