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Documents Psychology Press 4 résultats

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- xiv, 154 p.
Cote : WM 307.M5 B766m 2010

Déficience intellectuelle ; Services de santé mentale ; Maladies mentales

This book considers how mental health services have evolved over the past three decades to meet the needs of people with intellectual disability, focusing on the ways that theories and policies have been applied to clinical practice.

Nick Bouras and Geraldine Holt both have extensive experience in developing and running mental health services and bring together international contributors all with longstanding expertise in the fields of mental health and intellectual disability. They present the current evidence-based practice on how people with intellectual disability can be best cared for in clinical settings. The book embraces a foreword by Professor David Goldberg and is divided into three sections: development of specialist mental health services, clinical practice, and training as an integrated component of service delivery.

Chapters cover topics including:

• the association between psychopathology and intellectual disability
• international perspectives
• neuroimaging and genetic syndromes
• training professionals, families and support workers.

Mental Health Services for Adults with Intellectual Disability provides an overview of the many improvements that have been made in services for people with intellectual disability, as well as examining the shortcomings of the services provided. It offers strategies and solutions for the wide array of interdisciplinary professionals who want to develop the range of resources on offer for people with intellectual disability.

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- xvii, 322 p. : ill.
Cote : BF 721 M216a 2010

Adolescents - Psychologie - Recherche ; Enfants - Psychologie - Recherche

Developed for an NIH training institute, this volume is organized around the most frequently asked questions by researchers starting their careers in applied research in child and adolescent development. With contributions from the leading scholars in the field, actual research experiences highlight the challenges one faces in conducting such research. The techniques and theoretical frameworks most suitable for guiding the applied research process are reviewed along with related ethical and cultural considerations. Each chapter features the authors' introduction to their own careers in applied research. Also included are practical tips, case studies, and sidebars featuring frequently asked questions.

This practical resource provides tips on how to:

• Modify the most frequently used methodological techniques while maintaining the integrity of the data
• Manage the unpredictable nature of real world research
• Frame community relevant research questions in an academically acceptable way
• Secure funding to conduct applied research
• Disseminate the research results so as to have the greatest impact on policy and practice.

The book opens with the most frequently asked questions, tips on getting started in an applied research career, and an overview of and theoretical framework for generating applied developmental research ideas. Section 2 focuses on research designs including the most frequently used methodological and measurement techniques and tips on how to modify them to applied settings. Ethical challenges and cultural issues in working with special populations are also addressed. Section 3 focuses on conducting applied research in school, community, and clinical settings with an emphasis on the challenges encountered when conducting actual research as opposed to the more controlled settings taught in a classroom. Guidelines for protecting the populations involved in the study and strategies for recruiting and retaining participants are also addressed. The book concludes with strategies for disseminating research findings so as to have the greatest impact on policy and practice, for publishing research, and for securing funding.

Intended as a practical guide, this book is ideal for those just starting their careers in applied research, for students preparing their dissertations, and for the faculty who prepare these students. The book's accessible approach also appeals to researchers in the behavioral, social, and health sciences, education, and those in government and industry.

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- xiv, 248 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 203.5 J96d 2013

Autisme ; Autisme infantile ; Psychologie cognitive ; Neuropsychologie

This volume covers several perspectives on autism which bring together the most recent scientific views of the nature of this disorder. A number of themes organize major developments and emerging areas in autism:

-Cognitive and neural systems development: how autism arises in the behavior and thought of very young children.
-Discovering brain mechanisms underlying social and cognitive deficits in autism: how we can explain "social awkwardness" and poor language comprehension in terms of malfunctions of brain mechanisms, revealed by fMRI studies of people with autism.
-Integrating information about genes, brain, and biological mechanisms with behavioral evidence.
-Linking the science of autism with lives lived: how the new information about autism impacts people with autism and real-world considerations.

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- xiii, 304 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 350.6 B812d 2001

Troubles du développement chez l'enfant ; Neuropsychologie pédiatrique ; Neuropsychiatrie infantile

In this book, the author discusses a range of common neurodevelopmental disorders affecting young people - autism, depression, schizophrenia, ADHD, Tourette's Syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder - from the unique perspective of their proposed common origin in the function and dysfunction of the brain's frontostriatal system.

Throughout the book, the author systematically compares and contrasts them from a biological, clinical and evolutionary standpoint, viewing them as extensions of normal personality attributes, which, in less extreme form, may possess certain behavioural advantages, explaining their persistence in the general population. The result is a unique, up-to-date, and wide-ranging discussion of these disorders that draws upon biology, genetics, neuropsychology, neuropathology, neuroimaging, and clinical presentation and treatment. It will be of interest to advanced students, researchers and practitioners in neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry, psychiatry, and clinical psychology.

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