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Documents Rogers, Sally J. 6 résultats

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- xi, 368 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 203.5 D272e.F 2016
Autre titre de la couv. : Le programme ESDM (Early Start Denver Model)

Trad. de : An early start for your child with autism : using everyday activities to help kids connect

Autisme ; Autisme infantile ; Enfants autistes

L'autisme est un trouble neurodéveloppemental dont l'impact sur l'évolution de l'enfant est très lourd. La précocité du diagnostic et de la mise en place d'une intervention adaptée conditionnent beaucoup la progression de l'enfant et son accès à une meilleure qualité de vie. Le Early Start Denver Model (ESM) est une approche développementale et comportementale qui met l'accent sur l'apprentissage dans un contexte socio-émotionnel positif. Ce programme a donc été conçu pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de très jeunes enfants et pour une stimulation optimale de leurs compétences. L'objectif de ce livre est de fournir aux parents et à l'entourage des outils et des stratégies pour aider l'enfant atteint d'autisme à retrouver une trajectoire de développement positive aussi vite que possible.

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- 1126 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 350.8 V919h 2014 V.2

Autisme ; Troubles envahissants du développement

The latest and most comprehensive resource on autism and related disorders
Since the original edition was first published more than a quarter-century ago, The Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders has been the most influential reference work in the field. Volume 2 of this comprehensive work includes a wealth of information from the experts in their respective specialities within the larger field of autism studies: Assessment, Interventions, and Social Policy Perspectives.
Within the three sections found in Volume 2, readers will find in-depth treatment of:

• Screening for autism in young children; diagnostic instruments in autism spectrum disorders (ASD); clinical evaluation in multidisciplinary settings; assessing communications in ASD; and behavioral assessment of individuals with autism, including current practice and future directions
• Interventions for infants and toddlers at risk; comprehensive treatment models for children and youth with ASD; targeted interventions for social communication symptoms in preschoolers with ASD; augmentative and alternative communication; interventions for challenging behaviors; supporting mainstream educational success; supporting inclusion education; promoting recreational engagement in children with ASD; social skills interventions; and employment and related services for adults with ASD
• Supporting adult independence in the community for individuals with high functioning ASD; supporting parents, siblings, and grandparents of people with ASD; and evidence-based psychosocial interventions for individuals with ASD
• Special topic coverage such as autism across cultures; autism in the courtroom; alternative treatments; teacher and professional training guidelines; economic aspects of autism; and consideration of alternative treatments

The new edition includes the relevant updates to help readers stay abreast of the state of this rapidly evolving field and gives them a guide to separate the wheat from the chaff as information about autism proliferates.

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- 1126 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 350.8 V919h 2014 V.1

Autisme ; Troubles envahissants du développement

The newest edition of the most comprehensive handbook on autism and related disorders
Since the original edition was first published more than a quarter of a century ago, The Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 1: Diagnosis, Development, and Brain Mechanisms, has been the most influential reference work in the field of autism and related conditions. The new, updated Fourth Edition takes into account the changes in the disorders' definitions in the DSM-V and ICD-10 that may have profound implications for diagnosis and, by extension, access to services. Along with providing practical clinical advice--including the role of psychopharmacology in treatment—the handbook codifies the ever-expanding current body of research throughout both volumes , offering a wealth of information on the epidemiology of autism and the genetic, environmental, biochemical, social, and neuropathological aspects of the disorder. Volume 1 includes: Information on outcomes in adults with autism spectrum disorders

• A range of issues and interventions important from infancy, though adolescence and beyond for individuals with autism spectrum disorders
• Current information about play development, including skills, object play, and interventions
• Coverage of the state of genetic, biochemical, and neuropathological autism research
• Chapters on psychopharmacology and medical care in autism and related conditions

The new edition includes the relevant updates to help readers stay abreast of the state of this rapidly evolving field and gives them a guide to separate the wheat from the chaff as information about autism proliferates.

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Cote : WM 203.5 H249a 2013

Autisme ; Troubles envahissants du développement ; Système nerveux - Maladies ; Troubles du développement

The accelerating advancement in research in neurodevelopmental disorders -- including autism spectrum disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning disorders, and more -- has enormous implications for clinical practice. Autism and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders provides clinicians with up-to-date information on the impact these advances have on the standard of care in the range of disorders commonly encountered by both primary and subspecialist physicians. The authors, affiliated with the UC-Davis MIND Institute, explain the latest findings from the biological, behavioral, and clinical sciences in ways that are accessible to clinicians and helpful to patients and their families.

Specific features include: • A uniform chapter structure that makes it easy for the reader to locate material and make comparisons between and among disorders. Each chapter addresses signs and symptoms (including onset and developmental course); epidemiology and etiology (including known genetic and environmental contributors, biological mechanisms and relevant animal models); diagnostic criteria; differential diagnosis and comorbidities; and evidence-based interventions.• The inclusion, where possible, of current draft DSM-5 diagnoses, as well as DSM-IV.• Practical focus on psychological/behavioral and medical issues, as well as other supports and resources for patients, their families, and the community.• Emphasis on current, ongoing research that holds promise for future clinical care.• Identification of new research directions and needs. • A comprehensive chapter devoted to the effects each of the neurodevelopmental disorders has on language and social communication.

Replete with tables, illustrative figures, key points, and suggestions for further reading, Autism and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders helps clinicians meet the challenge of providing the most up-to-date and effective care for their patients.

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- x, 342 p.
Cote : WM 203.5 R729a 2012

Enfants - Langage ; Autisme infantile ; Enfants - Développement

Cutting-edge research reveals that parents can play a huge role in helping toddlers and preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) connect with others and live up to their potential. This encouraging guide from the developers of a groundbreaking early intervention program provides doable, practical strategies you can use every day. Nearly all young kids—including those with ASD—have an amazing capacity to learn. Drs. Sally Rogers, Geraldine Dawson, and Laurie Vismara make it surprisingly simple to turn daily routines like breakfast or bath time into fun and rewarding learning experiences that target crucial developmental skills. Vivid examples illustrate proven techniques for promoting play, language, and engagement. Get an early start—and give your child the tools to explore and enjoy the world.

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- xiv, 466 p. ill.
Cote : WM 203.5 R729i 2006

Autisme ; Enfants - Développement ; Imitation chez l'enfant ; Psychologie du développement

From earliest infancy, a typically developing child imitates or mirrors the facial expressions, postures and gestures, and emotional behavior of others. Where does this capacity come from, and what function does it serve? What happens when imitation is impaired? Synthesizing cutting-edge research emerging from a range of disciplines, this important book examines the role of imitation in both autism and typical development. Topics include the neural and evolutionary bases of imitation, its pivotal connections to language development and relationships, and how early imitative deficits in autism might help explain the more overt social and communication problems of older children and adults.

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