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    Date de publication

    Documents Friedman, Donna Demetri 1 résultats

    Sélectionner : Tous / Aucun
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    - viii, 287 p.
    Cote : WM 460.5.O2 B565a 2013

    Troubles de l'attachement ; Attachement ; Parents et enfants

    Attachment-Based Social Work with Children and Adolescents is a wide-ranging look at attachment theory and research, its application to youth populations, and its natural fit with the social work profession. This book covers the applicability of attachment theory to the profession's various domains that include human behavior, practice, policy, research, and social work education. In particular, it addresses the broad spectrum of clinical social work, including practice in a variety of public and private settings and with a number of diverse populations. The book highlights the contribution of the social work profession to the development of attachment theory and research.

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