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Documents Adolescents - Santé mentale 7 résultats

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- xvii, 323 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 420.5.P5 OX98 2022

Enfants - Santé mentale ; Adolescents - Santé mentale ; Psychothérapie brève

Many children with mental health problems do not receive support and there are often extensive waiting lists for Children and Young People's Mental Health Services, which are increasingly overstretched. Unfortunately, a large proportion of children with mental health disorders do not access evidence-based treatment. Low-intensity psychological interventions are now recommended by a number of national guidelines and in the UK, are being implemented by a new workforce of Child Wellbeing Practitioners (CWPs).

The Oxford Guide to Brief and Low Intensity Interventions for Children and Young People provides a comprehensive resource for therapists, services and training providers regarding the use, delivery, and implementation of brief and low intensity psychological interventions within a child and adolescent context. It includes concise, focused chapters from leading experts in the field, combining the most up-to-date research with practical considerations regarding the delivery of low intensity interventions.

The first of its kind, this book will be an indispensable resource for practitioners, services, and training courses internationally.

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Cote : WS 350 N767c DVD 2010
Titre parallèle : Racing thoughts
Titre complémentaire : Quand la maladie mentale prend l'enfance en otage
Sous-titres en anglais et en français

Enfants - Santé mentale ; Enfants - Psychopathologie ; Adolescents - Santé mentale ; Adolescents - Psychopathologie

Ces enfants ont pensé qu'ils étaient fous. Ils ont voulu mourir, ont connu la peur, la rage, le désespoir. Atteints de troubles mentaux, quatre enfants et leurs parents font le choix courageux de raconter leur histoire. À leurs voix s'ajoute celle de la réalisatrice qui a reçu à l'âge adulte un diagnostic de troubles bipolaires et raconte avec une puissance d'évocation les premiers symptômes qui remontent à l'enfance. Ça tourne dans ma tête s'inscrit en marge des débats de spécialistes, adoptant un ton intimiste qui permet de découvrir les enfants derrière les mots angoissants de leur diagnostic.

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- x, 214 p.
Cote : WS 350 O34a 2014

Adolescents - Santé mentale

Adolescence is a period of rapid growth, maturing individuality, vulnerabilities and fortitude. Fortunately, most youths go through this period of life in a healthy way, but some do not. Adolescent Mental Health: Prevention and Intervention is a concise and accessible overview of our current knowledge on effective treatment and prevention programs for youths who have developed, or are at risk of developing, mental health problems.

Ogden and Hagen's introduction to "what works" in the promotion of adolescent mental health addresses some of the most common mental health problems among young people, and how these problems might be prevented or ameliorated through professional and systematic efforts. The volume illustrates contemporary and empirically supported interventions and prevention efforts through a series of case studies, and covers some of the most prevalent mental health conditions affecting today's youth; externalizing, internalizing and drug use problems. Within an ecological and transactional framework, the book discusses how psychopathologies may develop and the risks and protective factors associated with these. The problem-oriented perspective on risk and mental health problems is combined with a focus on social competence and other protective factors.

Adolescent Mental Health: Prevention and Intervention will be essential reading for students and practitioners in the fields of child welfare and mental health services, and any professionals working with adolescents at risk of developing mental health problems.

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- 312 p. : ill.
Cote : HQ 799.2.V56 R643s 2001

Violence chez l'adolescent ; Violence - Prévention ; Adolescents - Santé mentale ; Adolescence

It's alarming that adolescents-including girls-are resorting to violence to resolve disputes. Written for young women and men as well as parents and educators, Safe Teen is a timely and powerful book offering a lifelong and positive alternative to violence.
For the past 10 years, assault-prevention worker Anita Roberts has been leading a popular and effective workshop called "Safe Teen: A Life-Skills and Violence-Prevention Program," which provides adolescents with the body language and verbal skills they need to deal with peer pressure, de-escalate violence, and build self-esteem. Safe Teen offers an in-depth look at the issues and skills taught in the Safe Teen workshops, including how to access inner strength, how to deal with bullying and sexual harassment, and how to say "no" to drugs and alcohol.

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- xvi, 184 p.
Cote : WS 463 R485f 2000

Adolescents - Santé mentale ; Adolescents - Psychothérapie

The First Session with Teenagers is a practical, accessible guide that reveals how mental health care professionals can conduct a successful initial interview with reluctant and uncooperative adolescent clients. Written by Neil G. Ribner, a recognized expert in the field of family therapy and the treatment of teenagers, this important resource shows how to use the first therapeutic session to establish trust, engage the adolescent, and determine an effective plan of action that sets the tone for the entire course of treatment. In clear, jargon-free language, the author offers clinicians at all levels of expertise (from the novice to the seasoned professional) a step-by-step process for working with adolescents during the pivotal first session.

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- xv, 496 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 105.5.M3 C536 2002

Enfants - Santé mentale ; Adolescents - Santé mentale ; Enfants - Psychiatrie ; Adolescents - Psychiatrie

Ideal for the general practitioner, this practical guide to pediatric mental health explains the various systems involved in children's mental health (i.e. schools, social services, the legal and mental health systems) and addresses common mental health problems seen frequently in practice. Included are chapters on learning disabilities, autism, ADHD, aggression, substance abuse, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and a host of other difficulties. Each chapter is written by a general pediatrician and a child psychiatrist. Blending these perspectives, the authors present a pragmatic and current approach to issues of office evaluation, assessment, and treatment, including pediatric psychopharmacology.

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