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Documents Robotique en médecine 4 résultats

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- xv, 342 pages : illustrations.
Cote : W 26.55.A7 H918 2024

Intelligence artificielle en médecine ; Robotique en médecine

Artificial intelligence (AI) permeates our lives in a growing number of ways. Relying solely on traditional, technology-driven approaches won't suffice to develop and deploy that technology in a way that truly enhances human experience. A new concept is desperately needed to reach that goal. That concept is Human-Centered AI (HCAI). With 23 captivating chapters, this book delves deep into the realm of HCAI. In Section 1, it demystifies HCAI, exploring cutting-edge trends and approaches in its study, including the moral landscape of Large Language Models. Section 2 looks at how HCAI is viewed in different institutions-like the justice system, health system, and higher education-and how it could affect them. It examines how crafting HCAI could lead to better work. Section 3 offers practical insights and successful strategies to transform HCAI from theory to reality, for example, studying how using regulatory sandboxes could ensure the development of age-appropriate AI for kids. Finally, decision-makers and practitioners provide invaluable perspectives throughout the book, showcasing the real-world significance of its articles beyond academia. Authored by experts from a variety of backgrounds, sectors, disciplines and countries, this engaging book offers a fascinating exploration of Human-Centered AI. Whether you're new to the subject or not, a decision-maker, a practitioner or simply a AI user, this book will help you gain a better understanding of HCAI's impact on our societies, and of why and how AI should really be developed and deployed in a human-centered future.

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- 1 ressource en ligne (xv, 193 pages)

Médecine physique ; Physiothérapie ; Réadaptation ; Robotique en médecine

Robotics and VR systems are uniquely suited to provide functional assistance with mobility and activities of daily living, especially for patients with motor and sensory disorders of the central nervous system, stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Compiling both current knowledge and key challenges of robotic rehabilitation in one convenient text, Robotics in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow resource on robotic and VR systems in all areas of medical rehabilitation.

Adresse web : Accéder au texte intégral

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- 1 ressource en ligne (634 pages)

Robotique en médecine ; Chirurgie

Robot-assisted surgery, soon to be incorporated into most surgical disciplines, can reduce postoperative complications by up to 50%, and has been shown to result in reduced blood loss, earlier hospital discharge, and faster return to normal activity for the patient. Edited by master surgeon Tony Costello, and with contributions from the world's best and most experienced robotic surgeons worldwide, Principles and Practice of Robotic Surgery is an up-to-date, all-in-one reference that provides step-by-step instruction for practicing surgeons and those who are entering robotic surgery training. This first-of-its-kind text discusses new technologies and their application in each surgical subspecialty, with hundreds of outstanding illustrations and high-quality videos—making this an ideal resource for the entire OR team.

Adresse web : Accéder au texte intégral

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- 350 p. : ill.
Cote : W 26.55.A7 M488 2022

Intelligence artificielle en médecine ; Robotique en médecine ; Systèmes d'information - Santé publique

Ophtalmologie, gastro-entérologie, dermatologie, cancérologie, chirurgie, anatomie pathologique, épidémiologie, psychiatrie, organisation hospitalière... : aucun champ de la médecine n'échappe à la révolution numérique en cours.

L'intelligence artificielle, le traitement numérique des données, la robotisation, les interfaces cerveau-machine, promettent des choses aussi diverses que le traitement personnalisé des tumeurs cancéreuses, l'organisation des urgences hospitalières, la chirurgie de précision, la commande de prothèse de membre par la pensée, le développement de logiciel conversationnel à même de repérer les risques suicidaires...

Où se situe la France dans la recherche sur ces thématiques innovantes ? Comment obtenir des données structurées et utilisables ? Comment les protéger ? Comment un algorithme incapable de bon sens peut-il néanmoins exceller dans certaines tâches spécialisées ? Peut-on prédire l'impact à venir sur la distribution des emplois ? Comment obtenir, et mériter, la confiance du public?

Cet ouvrage, que les auteurs ont voulu le plus accessible possible, est né de la rencontre d'un mathématicien, Cédric Villani, attaché à montrer les promesses de l'intelligence artificielle, avec un chirurgien chercheur, Bernard Nordlinger, qui mène d'ambitieux essais thérapeutiques pour améliorer le traitement des cancers, rejoints par Olivier de Fresnoye. Il reflète les travaux du groupe de travail " Intelligence artificielle et santé " créé par l'Académie nationale de médecine et l'Académie des sciences.

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