
Date de publication

Documents Arthur, Jay 1 résultats

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- xxi, 377 pages
Cote : WX 150 A788l 2016

Efficacité organisationnelle ; Changement organisationnel - Gestion ; Assurance qualité ; Hôpitaux - Administration ; Qualité totale ; Production allégée

This thoroughly revised resource shows, step-by-step, how to simplify, streamline, analyze, and optimize healthcare performance using tested Lean Six Sigma and change management techniques. Lean Six Sigma for Hospitals, Second Edition, follows the patient from the front door of the hospital or emergency room all the way through discharge. The book fully explains how to improve operations and quality of care while dramatically reducing costs―often in just five days. Real-world case studies from major healthcare institutions illustrate successful implementations of Lean Six Sigma.

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