
Date de publication

Documents Strohl, Kingman P. 1 résultats

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- 411 pages : ill.
Cote : WU 600 U68 2021

Syndromes des apnées du sommeil - Traitement

Upper Airway Stimulation Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea provides the current state of knowledge regarding this novel therapy. It reviews the pathophysiological basis of sleep apnea and the specific mechanism by which upper airway stimulation provides airway support in this disorder. It also provides practical insights into this therapy related to patient selection, clinical outcomes, surgical technique, long term follow up, adverse events, as well as recommendations for those aspiring to develop an upper airway stimulation program. It provides an overview of unique populations and circumstances which may extend the utility of the procedure, and which may provide challenges in management, as well as thoughts on the future of this technology. This textbook is intended for all practitioners who have interest or care for sleep disordered breathing including Sleep Medicine Physicians, Pulmonologists, Otolaryngologists, Primary Care Practitioners, as well as physician extenders.

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