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    Radiobiology for the radiologist

    Favoris Imprimer

    Hall, Eric J. / Giaccia, Amato J.

    7th edition

    Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


    ix, 546 p. : ill.



    1. Physics and chemistry of radiation absorption -- 2. Molecular mechanisms of DNA and chromosome damage and repair -- 3. Cell survival curves -- 4. Radiodensitivity and cell age in the mitotic cycle -- 5. Fractionated radiation and the dose-rate effect -- 6. Oxygen effect and reoxygenation -- 7. Linear energy transfer and relative biologic effectiveness -- 8. Acute radiation syndrome -- 9. Radioprotectors -- 10. Radiation carcinogenesis -- 11. Heritable effects of radiation -- 12. Effects of radiation on the embryo and fetus -- 13. Radiation cataractogenesis -- 14. Radiologic terrorism -- 15. Molecular imaging -- 16. Doses and risks in diagnostic radiology, interventional radiology and cardiology and nuclear medicine -- 17. Radiation protection -- 18. Cancer biology -- 19. Dose-response relationships for model normal tissues -- 20. Clinical response of normal tissues -- 21. Model tumor systems -- 22. Cell, tissue and tumor kinetics -- 23. Time, dose and fractionation in radiotherapy -- 24. Retreatment after radiotherapy : the possibilities and the perils -- 25. Alternative radiation modalities -- 26. The biology and exploitation of tumor hypozia -- 27. Chemotherapeutic agents from the perspective of the radiation biologist -- 28. Hyperthermia

    In print since 1972, this seventh edition of Radiobiology for the Radiologist is the most extensively revised to date. It consists of two sections, one for those studying or practicing diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine and radiation oncology; the other for those engaged in the study or clinical practice of radiation oncology--a new chapter, on radiologic terrorism, is specifically for those in the radiation sciences who would manage exposed individuals in the event of a terrorist event. The 17 chapters in Section I represent a general introduction to radiation biology and a complete, self-contained course especially for residents in diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine that follows the Syllabus in Radiation Biology of the RSNA. The 11 chapters in Section II address more in-depth topics in radiation oncology, such as cancer biology, retreatment after radiotherapy, chemotherapeutic agents and hyperthermia. Now in full color, this lavishly illustrated new edition is replete with tables and figures that underscore essential concepts. Each chapter concludes with a "summary of pertinent conclusions" to facilitate quick review and help readers retain important information.

    Radiologie médicale / Radiobiologie / Physique médicale

    WN 600 H175r 2012


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    1 WN 600 H175r 2012 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]