Massachusetts General Hospital psychiatry update and board preparation

Favoris Imprimer

Stern, Theodore A. / Herman, John B. / Massachusetts General Hospital

2nd edition

McGraw-Hill Medical


xxi, 678 p.



Section I : Test-taking strategies
1. Test-taking strategies and combating test anxiety -- 2. The psychiatric interview examination
Section II : Approach to psychiatric diagnosis and psychiatric conditions
3. The DSM-IV : a multiaxial system for psychiatric diagnosis -- 4. Child and adolescent development -- 5. Child and adolescent disorders -- 6. Delirium -- 7. Dementia -- 8. Mental retardation -- 9. Mental disorders due to a general medical condition -- 10. Alcoholism and alcohol abuse -- 11. Substance-related disorders : cocaine and narcotics -- 12. Psychosis and schizophrenia -- 13. Mood disorders : depression -- 14. Bipolar disorder -- 15. Anxiety disorders -- 16. Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder -- 17. Somatoform disorders -- 18. Factitious disorders -- 19. Dissociative disorders -- 20. Sexual disorders and sexual dysfunction -- 21. Eating disorders -- 22. Sleep disorders -- 23. Impulse control disorders -- 24. Adjustment disorders, grief, and bereavement -- 25. Personality disorders -- 26. Psychiatric disorders associated with the female reproductive cycle -- 27. HIV infection and AIDS -- 28. Catanonia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome and serotonin syndrome -- 29. Neuroimaging in psychiatry -- 30. Diagnostic rating scales and psychiatric instruments -- 31. Psychological assessment -- 32. Neuropsychological assessment -- 33. Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures
Section III : Neurologic disorders
34. Functionl neuroanatomy -- 35. The neurologic examination -- 36. Neuropsychiatric dysfunction -- 37. Clinical neurophysiology and electroencephalography -- 38. Seizure disorders (epilepsy) -- 39. Headache -- 40. Pain -- 41. Stroke -- 42. Movement disorders
Section IV : Treatment approaches
43. Basic psychopharmacology -- 44. Treatment of anxiety disorders -- 45. Antipsychotic drugs -- 46. Antidepressants and somatic therapies -- 47. Electroconvulsive therapy -- 48. Lithium -- 49. Anticonvulsants -- 50. Stimulants, atomoxetine, beta-adrenergic blocking agents, and alpha-adrenergic blocking agents -- 51. Drug-drug interactions in psychopharmacology -- 52. Cardiovascular and other side effects of psychotropic medications -- 53. Natural medications in psychiatry -- 54. Suicide -- 55. Psychiatry and the law I : Informed consent, competency, treatment refusal, and civil commitment -- 56. Psychiatry and the law II : criminal issues and the role of psychiatrists in the legal system -- 57. Patient compliance -- 58. An overview of the psychotherapies -- 59. Planned brief psychotherapy : an overview -- 60. Couples therapy -- 61. Family therapy -- 62. Group psychotherapy -- 63. Cognitive-behavioral therapy -- 64. Hypnosis -- 65. Geriatric psychiatry
Section V : Special topics in psychiatry
66. Psychiatric epidemiology -- 67. Statistics in psychiatric research -- 68. Genetics and psychaitry -- 69. Psychiatry and the law III : malpractice and boundary violations -- 70. Psychiatric consultation to medical and surgical patients -- 71. Coping with medical illness -- 72. Treatment decisions at the end of life -- 73. Organ transplantation -- 74. Chronic mental illness -- 75. Domestic violence -- 76. Abuse and neglect -- 77. Aggression and violence -- 78. Culture and psychiatry -- 79. Approaches to collaborative care and primary psychiatry -- 80. Community psychiatry -- 81. Manged care and psychiatry -- 82. Coping with the rigors and psychiatry practice -- 83. Preparing for psychiatry in the 21st Century

The best board preparation and review - from the premier center of psychiatry education, research, and treatment. A concise and accessible book for course review and board certification and recertification. Features a bulleted approach to all techniques for diagnosis and treatment and board-style questions with detailed answers.

Psychiatrie - Examens, questions, etc. / Maladies mentales - Traitement - Examens, questions, etc.

WM 18.2 M414 2004


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1 WM 18.2 M414 2004 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]