Clinical chemistry and metabolic medicine

Favoris Imprimer

Crook, Martin

7th edition

Hodder Arnold


426 p. : ill.



1. Requesting laboratory tests and interpreting the results -- 2. Water and sodium -- 3. The kidneys -- 4. Acid-base disturbances -- 5. Potassium -- 6. Calcium, phosphate and magnesium -- 7. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland -- 8. The adrenal cortex -- 9. The reproductive system -- 10. Pregnancy and infertility -- 11. Thyroid function -- 12. Carbohydrate metabolism -- 13. Plasma lipids and lipoproteins -- 14. Nutrition -- 15. Vitamins, trace elements and metals -- 16. The gastrointestinal tract -- 17. Liver disorders and gallstones -- 18. Plasma enxzymes in diagnosis (clinical enzymology) -- 19. Proteins in plasma and urine -- 20. Purine and urate metabolism -- 21. Cardiovascular disease -- 23. Cerebrospinal and pleural fluid -- 24. Metabolic effects of tumours -- 25. Therapeutic drug monitoring and poisoning -- 26. Clinical biochemistry at the extremes of age -- 27. Inborn errors of metabolism -- 28. Genetics and DNA-based technology in clinical biochemistry -- 29. Patient sample collection and use of the laboratory -- 30. Point of care testing
Appendix 1. Units in clinical chemistry -- Appendix 2. Abbreviations used in the text

Whether you are following an integrated or a more traditional medical course, you may find chemical pathology and metabolic medicine constitutes one of the more difficult subjects to grasp. What you need is a textbook that not only explains the biochemical underpinnings of metabolic medicine, but one that also integrates laboratory findings with clincal practice. Look no further...

Clinical Chemistry and Metabolic Medicine is entirely updated to reflect the new curriculum and the changes in our understanding of clinical biochemistry. The text is revised by an author with years of teaching experience who has carefully retained the strengh of Zilva and Pannall's classic textbook - readability, a firm basis in the underlying science, and a clear focus on clinical relevance.

The seventh edition of Clinical Chemistry and Metabolic Medicine re-establishes the title as the premier textbook in the field, and is essential reading for all medical students through to postgraduate trainees in medicine and candidates for the MRCP and MRCPath. General practitioners and hospital doctors may also find this text helpful in the diagnosis and management of patients with metabolic disorders.

Chimie clinique / Métabolisme / Troubles du métabolisme

QY 90 C641 2006


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 QY 90 C641 2006 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]