Manual of perioperative care in adult cardiac surgery
Bojar, Robert M. 1951-
5th edition
xi, 820 p. : ill.
1. Synopsis of adult cardiac surgical disease -- 2. Diagnostic techniques in cardiac surgery -- 3. General preoperative considerations and preparation of the patient for surgery -- 4. Cardiac anesthesia -- 5. Cardiopulmonary bypass -- 6. Myocardial protection -- 7. Admission to the ICU and monitoring techniques -- 8. Early postoperative care -- 9. Mediastinal bleeding -- 10. Respiratory management -- 11. Cardiovascular management -- 12. Fluid management, renal, metabolic and endocrine problems -- 13. Post-ICU care and other complications
Appendix 1A : Americal College of Cardiology Classes of Recommendation and Levels of Evidence -- Appendix 1B : New York Heart Association Functional Classification -- Appendix 2 : Typical preoperative order sheet -- Appendix 3 : Typical orders for admission to the ICU -- Appendix 4 : Typical transfer orders from the ICU -- Appendix 5 : Typical ICU flowsheet -- Appendix 6 : Hyperglycemia protocol for cardiac surgery patients -- Appendix 7 : Heparinization protocol for cardiac surgery patients -- Appendix 8 : Protocol for initiating warfarin -- Appendix 9 : INR reversal protocol -- Appendix 10 : Drug, food and dietary supplement interactions with warfarin -- Appendix 11 : Doses of parenteral medications commonly used in the ICU and their modification in renal failure -- Appendix 12 : Doses of nonparenteral drugs commonly used after heart surgery and their modifications in renal failure -- Appendix 13 : Definitions from the STS data specifications (Version 2.7 2011) -- Appendix 14 : Body surface area nomogram -- Appendix 15 : Body mass index chart -- Appendix 16 : Technique of thoracentesis -- Appendix 17 : Technique for tube thoracostomy -- Appendix 18 : Technique of insertion of percutaneous tracheostomy tube
The fifth edition of Bojar's Manual of Perioperative Care inAdult Cardiac Surgery remains the gold standard for managementof adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
The easily referenced outline format allows health practitionersof all levels to understand and apply basic concepts to patientcare--perfect for cardiothoracic and general surgery residents,physician assistants, nurse practitioners, cardiologists, medicalstudents, and critical care nurses involved in the care of bothroutine and complex cardiac surgery patients.
This comprehensive guide features:
• Detailed presentation addressing all aspects of perioperativecare for adult cardiac surgery patients
• Outline format allowing quick access to information
• Chronological approach to patient care starting with diagnostictests then covering preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperativecare issues
• Additional chapters discuss bleeding, the respiratory, cardiac,and renal subsystems as well as aspects of care specific torecovery on the postoperative floor
• Updated references, information on new drug indications and newevidence to support various treatment/management options.
Practical and accessible, this new edition of Manual ofPerioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery is the essentialreference guide to cardiac surgical patient care.
Coeur - Chirurgie - Guides, manuels, etc. / Thérapeutique chirurgicale - Guides, manuels, etc.
WG 18.2 B685m 2011
N° | Cote | Localisation | |
1 | WG 18.2 B685m 2011 | Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible] |