Johns Hopkins ABX guide : diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases

Favoris Imprimer

Bartlett, John G. / Auwaerter, Paul G. / Pham, Paul A.

3rd edition

Jones and Bartlett Learning


xiii, 885 p.



Diagnosis -- Pathogens -- Management -- Drugs -- Vaccines
Appendix I : Therapeutic tables for specific diagnoses and pathogens -- Appendix II : General Therapeutic tables -- Appendix III : Drug-to-drug interaction tables

Jones & Bartlett Learning is the Official Print and Mobile Provider of the Johns Hopkins POC-IT Center ABX Guide. Thoroughly revised and updated for 2012, the Johns Hopkins ABX Guide, Third Edition continues to provide current, authoritative and comprehensive information on anti-microbial agents, infectious disease and commonly encountered pathogens, in one portable volume. Written by experts at the world-renowned Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, this must-have resource features expert recommendations, clinical and diagnostic decision-making tools, and drug-to-drug interactions. Concise, thorough, and current, The Johns Hopkins ABX Guide, Second Edition is designed for quick reference and comprehension. Information is featured in an easy-to-access format that facilitates rapid application of knowledge at the point of care.

Maladies infectieuses - Guides, manuels, etc.

WC 39 J65 2012


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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1 WC 39 J65 2012 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]