Clinician's handbook for obsessive-compulsive disorder : inference-based therapy

Favoris Imprimer

O'Connor, Kieron Philip / Aardema, Frederick



xvii, 333 p. : ill.



1. Overview of the inference-based therapy (IBT) programme -- 2. IBT : evaluation tools -- 3. When obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) begins -- 4. The "logic" behind OCD -- 5. The obsessional story -- 6. The vulnerable self-theme -- 7. OCD doubt is 100% imaginary -- 8. OCD doubt is 100% irrelevant -- 9. The OCD bubble -- 10. Reality sensing -- 11. A different story -- 12. Tricks and cheats of the OCD con artist -- 13. The real self -- 14. Knowing and doing : moving on and preventing relapse -- 15. Trouble-shooting
Case illustrations -- Case illustrations : clinical data -- Answers to common queries from clients -- Therapist queries -- Quiz answers sheet
Appendix 1. Inferential confusion questionnaire (ICQ-EV) -- Appendix 2. IBT clinical scales -- Appendix 3. Therapy evaluation form and scale -- Appendix 4. Avoidance and situational profile scale -- Appendix 5. Diary -- Bibliography : Key IBA publications and other references

This book is the first to compile and present the latest clinical strategies and offer a hands-on clinical guide to inference based therapy (IBT) for individuals with all types of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

Recent findings have shown that OCD is primarily a reasoning problem whereby people erroneously infer that there is a reason to doubt themselves despite their senses and common sense saying otherwise. In the IBT model, the obsessional doubt is considered the source of OCD and the starting point for therapy. Inference-based therapy (IBT) offers an economical model effective for all OCD subtypes and is designed to help the person regain confidence in a realistic appreciation of events and move away from an imaginary doubt.

Using cartoons and illustrations, as well as clinical examples from the full range of OCD subtypes, this book is a fully interactive manual for clinicians, practitioners, and students. The book integrates theory and application, and pays special attention to case management, detailing all stages from meeting the client and explaining the approach, right through to terminating therapy and follow-up.

Névroses obsessionnelles - Traitement / Thérapie cognitive

WM 176 O18c 2012


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WM 176 O18c 2012 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]