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    Handbook of self-regulation : research, theory and applications

    Favoris Imprimer

    Vohs, Kathleen D. / Baumeister, Roy F.

    2nd edition

    Guilford Press


    xv, 592 p. : ill.



    1. Self-regulation of action and affect -- 2. The self-regulation of emotion -- 3. Giving in to temptation : the emerging cognitive neuroscience of self-regulatory failure -- 4. Self-regulatory strength -- 5. Willpower in a cognitive affective processing system : the dynamics of delay of gratification -- 6. Self-regulation and behavior change : disentangling behavioral initiation and behevioral maintenance -- 7. Nonconscious self-regulation or the automatic pilot of human behavior -- 8. Promotion and prevention systems : regulatory focus dynamics within self-regulatory hierarchies -- 9. Planning promotes goal striving -- 10. The reason in passion : a social cognitive neuroscience approach to emotion regulation -- 11. Working memory and self-regulation -- 12. Local and global evaluations : attitudes as self-regulatory guides for near and distant responding -- 13. Identifying and battling temptation -- 14. Effortful control : relations with emotion regulation, adjustment and socialization in childhood -- 15. Attentional control and self-regulation -- 16. A bidirectional model of executive functions and self-regulation -- 17. Aging and self-regulation -- 18. The sociometer, self-esteem and the regulation of interpersonal behavior -- 19. Early attachment processes and the development -- 20. When people strive for self-harming goals : sacrificing personal health for interpersonal success -- 21. The effects of social relationships on self-regulation -- 22. The effects of self-regulation on social relationships -- 23. Waiting, tolerating and cooperating : did religion evolve to prop up humans' self-control abilities? -- 24. Temperament and self-regulation -- 25. Self-efficacy beliefs and the architecture of personality : on knowledge, appraisal and self-regulation -- 26. Impulsivity as a personality trait -- 27. Self-regulatory failure and addiction -- 28. The self-regulation of eating : theoretical and practical problems -- 29. Self-regulation and spending : evidence from impulsive and compulsive buying -- 30. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders, self-regulation and executive functioning

    This authoritative handbook comprehensively examines the conscious and nonconscious processes by which people regulate their thoughts, emotions, attention, behavior, and impulses. Individual differences in self-regulatory capacities are explored, as are developmental pathways. The volume reviews how self-regulation shapes, and is shaped by, social relationships. Failures of self-regulation are also addressed, in chapters on addictions, overeating, compulsive spending, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Wherever possible, contributors identify implications of the research for helping people enhance their self-regulatory capacities and pursue desired goals.

    Maîtrise de soi / Gestion de soi

    BF 632 H236 2011


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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    1 BF 632 H236 2011 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]