Psychiatric and behavioural disorders in intellectual and developmental disabilities

Favoris Imprimer

Bouras, Nick / Holt, Geraldine 1951-

2nd edition

Cambridge University Press


xiv, 424 p. : ill.



Part I : Assessment and diagnosis
1. Diagnosis of mental disorders in people with intellectual disabilities -- 2. Mental health assessment and monitoring tools for people with intellectual disabilities -- 3. Inter-disciplinary multi-modal assessment for mental health problems in people with intellectual disabilities -- 4. The relationship between challenging behaviours and psychiatrics disorders in people with severe intellectual disabilities -- 5. The interface between medical and psychiatric disorders in people with intellectual disabilities
Part II : Psychopathology and special topics
6. The psychopathology of children with intellectual disabilities -- 7. Depression, anxiety and adjustment disorders in people with intellectual disabilities -- 8. Schizophrenia spectrum disorders in people with intellectual disabilities -- 9. Personality disorder -- 10. Dementia and mental ill-health in older people with intellectual disabilities -- 11. People with intellectual disabilities who are at risk of offending -- 12. Behavioural phenotypes : growing understandings of psychaitric disorders in individuals with intellectual disabilities -- 13. Mental health problems in people with autism and related disorders -- 14. Self-injurious behaviour -- 15. Mental health and epilepsy among adults with intellectual disabilities -- 16. Neuroimaging and intellectual disabilities
Part III : Treatment and therapeutic interventions
17. Treatment methods for destructive and aggressive behaviour in people with severe developmental and intellectual disabilities -- 18. Behavioural approaches to treatment : principles and practices -- 19. Psychopharmacology in intellectual disabilities -- 20. Psychosocial interventions for people with intellectual disabilities -- 21. Psychodynamic approaches to people with intellectual disabilities : individuals, groups/systems and families
Part IV : Policy and services systems
22. Mental health and intellectual disabilities : the development of services -- 23. Clinical services for people with intellectual disabilities and psychiatric or severe behaviour disorders -- 24. Staff supporting people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems -- 25. Professional training for those working with people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems

Entirely revised and updated, this edition of a very well-received and successful book provides the essentials for all those involved in the fields of intellectual, developmental and learning disabilities and mental retardation, drawing both on clinical experience and the latest research findings. An international, multidisciplinary team of experts cover the available literature in full and bring together the most relevant and useful information on mental health and behavioural problems of people with intellectual, developmental and learning disabilities and mental retardation. In addition, this book highlights the principles behind clinical practice for assessment, management and services. It offers hands-on, practical advice for psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, therapists, social workers, managers and service providers.

Handicapés mentaux / Maladies mentales

WM 307 B766p 2007


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WM 307 B766p 2007 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]