Attachment issues in psychopathology and intervention

Favoris Imprimer

Atkinson, Leslie / Goldberg, Susan

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates




I : Psychopahtology
1. Applications of attachment : the integration of developmental and clinical traditions -- 2. Attachment and psychopathology -- 3. Disorders of attachment and failure to thrive -- 4. Hostile-helpless relational models and disorganized attachment patterns between parents and their young children : review of research and implications for clinical work -- 5. Adolescent psychopahtology in terms of multiple behavioral systems : the role of attachment and controlling strategies and Frankly disorfanized behavior
II : Intervention
6. Levels of processing in parent-child relationships : implications for clinical assessment and treatment -- 7. Attachment state of mind and the treatment -- 8. Two therapies : attachment organization and the clinical process -- 9. An antidote to posttraumatic stress disorder : the creation of secure attachment in couples therapy -- 10. Toddler-parent psychotherapy for depressed mothers and their offspring : implications for attachment theory

Attachement / Maladies mentales - Étiologie / Relation d'objet (Psychanalyse)

WM 460.5 A875a 2004


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WM 460.5 A875a 2004 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]