The explosive child : a new approach for understanding and parenting easily frustrated, chronically inflexible children

Favoris Imprimer

Greene, Ross W



xii, 336 p. : ill.



1. The Waffle episode -- 2. Terrible beyond two -- 3. Pathways to inflexibility-explosiveness -- 4. Inflexible-explosive faces -- 5. The truth about consequences -- 6. Corrective lenses -- 7. Basket case -- 8. Brain chemistry -- 9. Roadmaps -- 10. Family matters -- 11. All things considered -- 12. User-friendlier schools -- 13. Change of venue -- 14. Children do well if they can

An explosive child who frequently exhibits severe noncompliance, temper outbursts, and verbal or physical aggression. If this sounds like your child, you're probably feeling frustrated, guilt-ridden, and overwhelmed. At last, Dr. Ross Greene offers help for you and your child. Now updated with new practical information, The Explosive Child lays out a sensitive, practical approach to helping your child at home and school, including:

• reducing hostility and antagonism between the child and adults
• anticipating situations in which the child is most likely to explode
• creating an eviornment in which explosions are less likely to occur
• focusing less on reward and punishment and more on communication and calloborating problem solving

helping your child develop the skills to be more flexible and handle frustration more adaptively
In The Explosive Child, you'll find ways to regain and optimism and to handle your child's difficulties competently and with compassion. With Dr. Green's realistic, expert advice, you and your child will discover a relationship you can both feel good about.

Enfants difficiles / Troubles du comportement chez l'enfant / Éducation des enfants / Parents et enfants

WS 350.6 G799e 2001


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WS 350.6 G799e 2001 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]