Youth : choices and change : promoting healthy behaviors in adolescents

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Breinbauer, Cecelia / Maddaleno, Matilde

Pan American Health Organization


xxiii, 390 p. : ill.

Scientific and technical publication ; no. 594



I : Developing effective health promotion and prevention programs for adolescents
1. Adolescent lifestyles in latin america and the caribbean : the challenges and their scope -- 2. The knowledge-behavior gap in health promotion -- 3. The importance of behavior theories to successful adolescent health programs -- 4. Adolescents living in a complex environment of multiple levels of influence -- 5. Listening to adolescents needs and wants : a respectful intervention -- 6. The crucial link between theories and developmental stages of adolescence -- 7. The youth : choices and change model for designing effective interventions for adolescents
II : Theories and models for health promotion and behavior change : their application to adolescents
8. The health belief model -- 9. The transtheoretical model and stages of change -- 10. The theory of reasoned action -- 11. The theory of planned behavior -- 12. The goal-setting theory -- 13. The self-regulation theory -- 14. The sensation-seeking theory -- 15. At a glance : the individual level theories and models for behavior change -- 16. The social cognitive theory -- 17. The social networks and social support theories -- 18. The authoritative parenting model -- 19. The resiliency theory -- 20. The stress and coping theories -- 21. At a glance : the interpersonal level theories and models for behavior change -- 22. The community organization models -- 23. The diffusion of innovations theory, behavior change communication models and social marketing -- 24. Models of policy and legislation development -- 25. At a glance : the community and policy level theories and models for behavior change
III : Adolescent developmental changes and goals, the importance of early intervention
26. A new approach to classifying adolescent developmental stages -- 27. Gender differences and adolescent behaviors -- 28. Early intervention during adolescence : the preadolescent period -- 29. Early intervention during adolescence : the early adolescent period
IV : Conclusions and recommendations
30. The next decade : perspectives for improving adolescent health and development

On the road to adulthood. Making decisions about one's life. Choosing friends and social groups. Discovering one's likes and dislikes. Finding out new needs. Time passes, and more changes come. How to handle them. Being anxioous and afraid and excited all at once. Youth : choices and change offers a bird's-eye view into the minds and bodies of today's young people, It also provides a practical guide for all those who live and work with this group, including those who create the policies and draft the laws, on how to create positive, nurturing environments and instill healthy behaviors that will enable tomorrow's adults to meet the open road ahead with a sense of purpose, confidence, and resilience.

Adolescents - Santé et hygiène / Adolescents - Psychologie / Promotion de la santé / Habitudes sanitaires chez l'adolescent

WS 460 B835y 2005


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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1 WS 460 B835y 2005 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]