Post-traumatic syndromes in childhood and adolescence : a handbook of research and practice

Favoris Imprimer

Ardino, Vittoria



xvii, 466 p. : ill.



Part I : Assessment
1. Evaluation and diagnosis of PTSD in children and adolescents -- 2. Vulnerability and resilience in childhood trauma and PTSD
Part II : Context-specific reactions to trauma
3. The impact of lower magnitude stressors on child and adolescent development : the family context -- 4. Stories of children and adolescents from other cultures : the trauma of migration -- 5. Post-traumatic stress related to pediatric illness and injury
Part III : neurobiology, memory and dissociative processes
6. Neuropsychological underpinnings of PTSD in children and adolescents -- 7. Why and how people forget. Why and how people forget sexual abuse. The role of traumatic memories -- 8. Dissociation in traumatized children and adolescents
Part IV : Forensic aspects
9. The role of PTSD in understanding child allegations of sexual abuse -- 10. Exposure to violence, post-traumatic symptomatology, and criminal behaviors -- 11. Post-trauamtic stress in antisocial youth : a multifaceted reality
Part V : Psychosocial interventions
12. Schools as a context of trauma prevention -- 13. A city-wide school-based model for addressing the needs of children exposed to terrism and war -- 14. Helping children after mass disaster : using a comprehensive trauma center and school support
Part IV : Therapeutic models
15. Use of somatic experiencing principles as a PTSD prevention tool for children and teens during the acute stress phase following an overwhelming event -- 16. EMDR and the challenge of treating childhood trauma : a theoretical and clinical discussion with case examples -- 17. Recent advances in cognitive-behavioral therapy for traumatized children and teenagers -- 18. A constructivist perspective on post-traumatic stress in children and adolescents -- 19. Trauma systems therapy : intervening in the interaction between the social environment and a child's emotional regulation -- 20. PTSD in the context of childhood endangerment : implications for assessment and treatment -- 21. Compassion ftigue, vulnerability, and resilience in practitioners working with traumatized children -- 22. Future directions in conceptualizing complex post-traumatic stress syndromes in childhood and adolescence : toward a developmental trauma disorder diagnosis

This book offers a comprehensive overview of up-to-date research and intervention techniques for traumatized youth highlighting uncharted territories in the field of developmental trauma and related post-traumatic reactions.

• One of the few titles to provide a critical and comprehensive framework which focuses specifically on post-traumatic syndromes in children and adolescents
• Presents the implications of PTSD in other settings (such as school and family) that are not fully addressed in other works
• International range of contributors, such as David Foy, Julian Ford, Jennifer Freyd, Giovanni Liotti, and Brigitte Lueger-Schuster, bring perspectives from both Europe and North America
• An essential resource for both researchers and practitioners

État de stress post-traumatique / État de stress post-traumatique chez l'adolescent / État de stress post-traumatique chez l'enfant

WM 172 A676p 2010


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WM 172 A676p 2010 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]