Social effectiveness therapy for children (Sect-C) : behavioral treatment for children with social phobia

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Beidel, Deborah C. (Réalisateur)



1 coffret comprenant 6 DVD (s.d.) : son., coul. ; 12 cm



Dr. Beidel begins this workshop by describing how social phobia manifests in children. She also discusses evidence-based methods for assessing social phobia symptoms in children and summarizes the effects of these symptoms on long-term functioning. Dr. Beidel then describes the research background for Social Effectiveness Therapy for Children (SET-C) as an evidence-based behavioral treatment for social phobia. Next, she identifies the content and procedures used in SET-C and discusses the role of peers in the generalization of social skills. Lastly, she describes ways to construct exposure sessions for children with social phobia and ways to encourage homework completion and family involvement in treatment.

Phobies / Phobies sociales chez l'enfant

WM 172 B422s DVD 2013


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WM 172 B422s DVD 2013 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]